poggit-orphanage / office

Request adoption of orphans here. If you want poggit-orphanage to fork an old plugin, create an issue.
9 stars 2 forks source link

WorldGuard #70

Open suerion opened 2 years ago

suerion commented 2 years ago

Request to add a plugin on Poggit Release

I am writing to request that an old plugin be added onto Poggit Release. Details are as follows:

we, MihaiChirculete(Chalapa) and I have decided to abandon our plugin WorldGuard, but we don't want, that the plugin should be die. Yet we hope, that poggit-orphanage will be add it on there list.

After forking the Project, we would archiv it.

on the first, Muqsit was the owner, yet MihaiChirculete...

Plugin Name

WorldGuard https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/WorldGuard

Link to GitHub repo


Link to PocketMine Forums release


Was it released before mid-2014?


Does the plugin work in the latest PocketMine version?

The Beta is now on API4 state

Does the plugin depend on other plugins? Are they released on Poggit?

Only Softdepended "RedstoneCircuit"

Are the main authors still active?

Yes, we could contact him together, i'm also an contributor of the plugin

Are there any forks that have updated the plugin to the latest PocketMine version?

WorldGuard himself works in beta state with API 4

MihaiChirculete commented 2 years ago

I confirm that I have talked about this with @suerion and I approve of this action.

XGDavid commented 1 month ago

salut mihai, oare cum as putea sa te contactezz :D?

MihaiChirculete commented 1 month ago

Salut David! Depinde cu privire la ce anume dorești sa mă contactezi. Spune-mi te rog mai întâi despre ce este vorba și vedem după aceea.

XGDavid commented 1 month ago

Te-am vazut pe Poggit unul dintre develpoeri cu cele mai multe downloads la un plugin. Programez in php(doar ce e legat de pocketmine) de 4 ani, cu cateva pauze, dar de vreo 3-4 luni am inceput sa programez destul de mult pe zi. Totusi nu vreau sa ma opresc doar la pocketmine si atat, vreau sa avansez, sa-mi mai acopar niste lacune si mi-ar placea extrem de mult daca ti-as putea adresa anumite intrebari din cand in cand. Imi este mult mai usor sa ma exprim si sa vorbesc cu cineva de aceeasi natie care a fost unde sunt eu acum :D

mai in jos iti las discord-ul si instagram-ul meu: discord: xgdavid insta: xg_david18
