poingstudios / godot-admob-plugin

This repository is for Godot's Addons to integrate natively AdMob to your Game Project without much configurations and directly inside Godot Editor!
MIT License
323 stars 23 forks source link

android same doesn't work[resolve] #146

Closed powerlsj7 closed 1 month ago

powerlsj7 commented 1 month ago

Godot version


Plugin version


System information

windows 11

Phone information, if applicable

android api level 6 xaomi redmi note4

Issue description

android same doesn't work

Steps to reproduce

KakaoTalk_20240825_201804179_01 KakaoTalk_20240825_201804179

Additional context

No response

powerlsj7 commented 1 month ago

extends Node

var interstitial_ad : InterstitialAd var interstitial_ad_load_callback := InterstitialAdLoadCallback.new() @onready var label = $Label func _ready(): MobileAds.initialize() interstitial_ad_load_callback.on_ad_failed_to_load = on_interstitial_ad_failed_to_load interstitial_ad_load_callback.on_ad_loaded = on_interstitial_ad_loaded

button signal on scene

func _on_load_interstitial_pressed() -> void:

free memory

if interstitial_ad:
    #always call this method on all AdFormats to free memory on Android/iOS
    interstitial_ad = null
var unit_id : String
if OS.get_name() == "Android":
    unit_id = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712"
elif OS.get_name() == "iOS":
    unit_id = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/4411468910"
label.text="광고준비 눌림"
InterstitialAdLoader.new().load(unit_id, AdRequest.new(), interstitial_ad_load_callback)

func on_interstitial_ad_failed_to_load(adError : LoadAdError) -> void: print(adError.message)

func on_interstitial_ad_loaded(interstitial_ad : InterstitialAd) -> void: self.interstitial_ad = interstitial_ad

button signal on scene

func _on_show_pressed(): label.text="보여주는 버튼 클릭" if interstitial_ad: label.text="광고온" interstitial_ad.show()

func _on_button_2_pressed(): _on_show_pressed()

func _on_button_pressed(): _on_load_interstitial_pressed()

powerlsj7 commented 1 month ago

image This is my editor situation and the test node is using the script I left above.

powerlsj7 commented 1 month ago


powerlsj7 commented 1 month ago

image I found the official documentation and followed it exactly: I downloaded the latest admob libs to GodoEditor and moved the libs file from the ads file. Is this working correctly in 4.2.2? Or does it not work because my android version is not up to the minimum, in which case I have to make my own?

powerlsj7 commented 1 month ago

image What it looks like after installation Press the play button and the ad should appear if it is ready. But it looks like it's not ready. image image

powerlsj7 commented 1 month ago


powerlsj7 commented 1 month ago

I went a little further and ran elevation engine in admin mode and saw the export plugin item that I didn't see, checked it and exported but realized that the SDK doesn't support Android 22. I tried to fix it myself but it's already compiled with AAR and I can't do anything about it. Why should I abandon the installation for users with android 22-23. Do you have any plans to support 22-23 or do I have to make it myself? image

gumaciel commented 1 month ago

@powerlsj7 is your issue persisting?

I've tested it here and it's working great

If not, please join on Discord: https://discord.com/invite/YEPvYjSSMk and we can help you quickly

Closing this issue because seems to be a configuration problem.