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Cross-browser testing #7

Open sfletche opened 10 years ago

qpfiffer commented 10 years ago

Started testing with IE8 today and the first thing it does is choke on a reserved keyword used by OpenLayers here:

self.layer.styleMap.styles.default.defaultStyle.strokeOpacity = newOpacity;
self.layer.styleMap.styles.default.defaultStyle.graphicOpacity = newOpacity;

Not quite sure what to do about that one since as far as I can tell, styles.default is somewhere in OpenLayers, otherwise I'd change it.

EDIT: Nevermind I forgot styles.default can be turned into styles["default"]. Go JS.

qpfiffer commented 10 years ago

Site works in Firefox 31.0, Google Chrome 36.0.1985.125 and IE8 (Tested on Windows 7 VM). This can be closed unless I missed something.