pointOfive / STA130_F23

Python/JupyterHub implementation of this UofT classic
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Created HW3 and T3 #14

Closed lucieyang1 closed 1 year ago

lucieyang1 commented 1 year ago

I uploaded the student-facing version of HW3 and the T3 tutorial slides. I also updated the README with links to both the homework and the tutorial (but I didn't know how to make it launch directly in jupyterhub). There's also a bunch of images I used in the homework/tutorial.

Hopefully I am doing this pull request correctly?

mistryrohan commented 1 year ago

Will be reviewing and this and adding comments. Can you also add in the tester code please.

mistryrohan commented 1 year ago

The homework and tutorial were very well formatted! On the student facing versions I made some changes to the comments, capitalization, and fixed some grammatical issues. The tester solutions work, but for Q0 and Q4 I suggest not giving away the answer as the hint, rather something that points to the solution.

I will send you the files I edited on Slack since it does not like me attach notebooks here and then I believe we should close this pull request and then you can create a new one with the edits and then Professor Schwartz can approve and merge it (will @ him here to see if he wants it done differently).


lucieyang1 commented 1 year ago

I've made all the changes and I think it should be good for review! I accidentally forgot to save and undid some changes, but I think it should all be fixed now.

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

I have some texty-style commentary request for updates/adds to the tutorial slides, which, are already very good; but, it's just that I've already had in mind a couple content pieces that I'd like to see added there. So here are my comments for that, and let's see if you can pull off the changes initially on your own:

It would be / is a fantastically good idea to have the TAs discussion about normal distributions… I’d like to expose the students to this topic as we make use of it in hypothesis testing and may again do so for regression.

Do you have access to the following? https://q.utoronto.ca/courses/277998/quizzes/279235/take?preview=1 It’s the week 2 practice quiz from last years class that you took. Would you see if you can find some ways to incorporate Questions 6-11 and 14 to the quiz (assuming you don’t think something there is redundant)? [You might need to add some slides for the the figures? Not sure how this might work… perhaps it’s not part of the quiz but more of a group activity that students then answer on their quiz?] Will you also add the following questions (if they’re not redundant):

On the “second order characteristics” slide, please add some sort of discussion note like the following:

Would you incorporate the “Which do you like better?” slides (towards the end of my week 2 lecture from last year https://github.com/pointOfive/STA130_Week2_Slides/blob/main/STA130_F22_Week2_slides.pdf) as a quick little fun activity for tutorial? I’d like the TAs to point out that boxplots can be misleading for multimodal data but that they also potentially allow us compare a lot of distributions against each other efficiently in a single plot. Then add a reference to problem Q17 (I think it was) in the homework and have students discuss weather they like boxplots/histograms better (and add a picture showing KDEs as well to discuss if that’s further preferable to boxplots/histograms, as the Q17 in the homework sought to get students to think about. Finally, the TAs should go to https://plotly.com/python/violin/ to show off the attractive looking violin plot from plotly. I think this should be a 10-15 minute activity depending on if you think it works best as a small group activity or a full class activity.

So, with all these changes I think the time requirements might now looking like: Slide 1: 5 minutes Slides 2-5: 15-minutes still Slide 6 (quiz): let’s make this 20 minutes but then Slide 7 (discussion): drop this down to 15 minutes Slide 8-9: [20->15 minutes] Discussion activity looks great… I also think that showing these figures will allow students who weren’t able to start the tutorial assignment to get some ideas for what types of figures they could make)

That makes 90 minutes So that leaves 20 minutes to start the Tutorial Assignment

lucieyang1 commented 1 year ago

I will take a look! Unfortunately, I do not have access to the Week 2 Quercus Quiz (it says quiz results are protected)

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

Okay -- no worries -- ignore that part for now then and I'll see about adding it after you revisions.

lucieyang1 commented 1 year ago

HW3 and TUT3 should be updated with the changes now!

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

Just adding a comment here documenting changes that happened to the tutorial, as I just made them but have not put any of our offline conversation about it here.

Essentially, my proposals above were made; but, upon another review I felt there was room to flush out the content/topics to the tutorial, and did so.

I then as well re-thought about the best way to use all the available questions in a tutorial setting, and settled on a shorter quiz, but then more "full class" discussions based on TAs asking questions to everybody and trying to get engagement through raising hands or class consensus style activities.

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

I am finalizing some smaller edits on the HW and TUT, to make sure everything is well-integrated.

Additionally, I have adjusted some of the time demands on the TUT as the group/class quiz discussion and conversations parts as I think they did not realistically provide/estimate enough time for a smooth transition through the slides

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

I want to make a clear record here noting that I have removed all discussion of "heavy tailed" distributions from the tutorial content (and it does not appear in the homework).

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

I am going to make a point to have the TAs emphasize "outliers" in the tutorial content...

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

Having looked at the content amount and time requirements again, while I think the intention/outline/plan/material generally in this tutorial is in great shape, it is indeed going to be a little too much as currently envisioned; so, ...

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

Have also removed the follow-up on "what's your favourite"? Histograms? Boxplots? KDEs?

All of these things I've removed I initially asked for, so this is just a question of my reviewing critically and trying to be sensible about what can actually and reasonably be included into a tutorial...

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

I have an idea for how make the general discussion a little more "group oriented" and I am going to implement that :)

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

I have ended up removing the full class discussion (about comparing boxplots/histograms counts information and modes, and then comparing them versus KDEs) which I had initially requested. [This content is not "wasted" as I expect it can be nicely repurposed into the kinds of questions I like to ask on exams, so I will likely use it for that :)].

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

Edits for tester file:

Edits for student facing hw:

Bortoise commented 1 year ago

Overall the homework took me a bit under 2 hours, a good length.

In Q15 you are asked to write an answer in the markdown cell: there is no question prompting a written answer.

Other than that the homework looks great! Very good hints and example answers!

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

Good Cole -- I see your MarkUs submission for 0teston June 22 about 20 minutes or so before your comment above. Your comments suggests so; but did you also submit a blank notebook to see how the MarkUs output looks when questions are all wrong?

In the future, I'd like you to make suggested/needed edits directly following: https://sta130build.slack.com/archives/C056VLG4NLD/p1687360001759389

Will you be able to commit edits to PRs in the future in this manner?

I will make your suggested edit above (if still needed, as I have some updated header information to include in the file based on your good considerations listed in your header of HW9).

Bortoise commented 1 year ago

Yes I will be able to commit edits directly to PRs, I just was not sure what the intended question should have been so I didn't want to add something incorrect.

pointOfive commented 1 year ago

Yep -- good catch -- I am making the edit now: I likely over-edited this question leading to the issue you found (and I'm very pleased you found it -- this is exactly what I'm looking to catch with all these reviews).