pointbiz / bitaddress.org

JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator
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Paper waller BIP38 Issue #297

Open javierehb opened 3 months ago

javierehb commented 3 months ago

Hi I create a paper wallet and protect it with BIP38 Encrypt Passphrase...

now I try to Decrypt BIP38 and yes all good it decrypt BUT the private address is showing a different public address, different from the one in the paper wallet (blue) , I'm glad this was a test ... the only thing that I did different this time is that I use an apple computer using safari web browser...

if requested I can provide the paper wallets and passphrase that I use so a member of team can verify

I'm not new using bitadress, please take a look at this, regards

pointbiz commented 3 months ago

There's an old thread on the issue of Safari. Please search for it.

Can you provide the exact browser versions and operating systems that lead to the different public addresses?