pointfreeco / swift-composable-architecture

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TCA does not track perceptible state to do with NavigationStack on iOS 16 #2952

Closed ghost closed 5 months ago

ghost commented 5 months ago


I created a simple Navigation Application using TCA. https://github.com/kiroru/tca_ver_verify

import SwiftUI
import ComposableArchitecture

enum RootTab: Int, Hashable, CaseIterable {
    case home = 0
    case settings = 1

struct RootView: View {
    @State var store = Store(initialState: RootStore.State()) {
    @State var selection = RootTab.home

    var body: some View {
        WithPerceptionTracking {
            TabView(selection: $selection) {
                VStack {
                    Button("push nav") {
                    .tabItem { Text("home") }

                    .tabItem { Text("settings") }
            .onChange(of: selection) { newValue in
                selection = newValue
                isPresented: $store.presenting.sending(\.onPresent)
            ) {
                NavigationStack(path: $store.scope(state: \.path, action: \.path)
                ) {
                } destination: {
                    switch $0.case {
                    case let .demo(store):
                        DemoView(store: store)
        .alert(store: self.store.scope(state: \.$alert, action: \.alert))
struct RootStore {

    struct State: Equatable {
        @Presents var alert: AlertState<Action.Alert>?
        var count = 0
        var path = StackState<Path.State>()

        var presenting: Bool {
            return path.count > 0

    enum Action {
        case alert(PresentationAction<Alert>)
        enum Alert {
            case none
        case selectTab(RootTab)
        case pushNav
        case path(StackAction<Path.State, Path.Action>)
        case onPresent(Bool)

    var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
        Reduce { state, action in
            switch action {
            case .pushNav:
                return .none
            case .selectTab(_):
                return .none
            case let .path(action):
                switch action {
                case .element(id: _, action: .demo(.push(let num))):
                    state.path.append(.demo(.init(count: num)))
                default: break
              return .none
                return .none
        .forEach(\.path, action: \.path)

    @Reducer(state: .equatable)
    enum Path {
        case demo(DemoStore)
import SwiftUI
import ComposableArchitecture

struct DemoView: View {
    @State var store = Store(initialState: DemoStore.State()) {

    var body: some View {
        WithPerceptionTracking {
            Form {
                Section {
                Section {
                    Button("Push") {
                    Button("Dismiss") {
            .navigationTitle("Demo \(store.count)")

#Preview {

struct DemoStore {
    @Dependency(\.dismiss) var dismiss

    struct State: Equatable {
        var count = 0

    enum Action: Equatable {
        case onTapButton
        case push(Int)
        case dismissButtonTapped

    var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
        Reduce { state, action in
            switch action {
            case .onTapButton:
                return .send(.push(state.count + 1))
            case .push:
                return .none
            case .dismissButtonTapped:
                return .run { _ in
                    await self.dismiss()

This application works well on iOS17, but does not work correctly on iOS16. Please check attached movie.


Runtime warning is shown below on iOS16.

スクリーンショット 2024-03-29 14 00 05(3)

I created the same app overwritten by TCA v1.6.0 to know what is going on. I'm surprised that v1.6.0 is correctly works. I doubt that TCA does not track perceptible state to do with NavigationStack on iOS 16.



Expected behavior

NavigationStack is not pushed.

Actual behavior

NavigationStack should be pushed.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch Application
  2. Tap "push nav" on Home Tab
  3. Tap "Push" on Demo View
  4. Navigation Stack is pushed by increamented store

The Composable Architecture version information


Destination operating system

iOS 16

Xcode version information


Swift Compiler version information

No response

lukeredpath commented 5 months ago

It looks like you’re missing WithPerceptionTracking inside your navigation stack’s destination closure, so iOS 16 cannot detect changes to the state inside the presented view.

ghost commented 5 months ago

It looks like you’re missing WithPerceptionTracking inside your navigation stack’s destination closure, so iOS 16 cannot detect changes to the state inside the presented view.


Thank you for your response. Based on your suggestion, I wrapped the navigation stack's destination closure with WithPerceptionTracking. However, there have been no changes.

スクリーンショット 2024-03-30 8 16 54

I tried a different approach. I replaced NavigationStack with NavigationStackStore, and then it worked correctly on iOS16. I think there might be a slight difference between NavigationStack and NavigationStackStore.

NavigationStackStore(self.store.scope(state: \.path, action: \.path)) {
                } destination: { store in
                    SwitchStore(store) {
                        switch $0 {
                        case .demo:
                                     action: RootStore.Path.Action.demo) { _store in
                                DemoView(store: _store)
lukeredpath commented 5 months ago

@tsudo-kiroru the purple warnings are your clue that you're definitely missing a WithPerceptionTracking somewhere, that's why your view is not responding to state changes on iOS 16. Try expanding the backtrace of that error.

ghost commented 5 months ago

@tsudo-kiroru the purple warnings are your clue that you're definitely missing a WithPerceptionTracking somewhere, that's why your view is not responding to state changes on iOS 16. Try expanding the backtrace of that error.

@lukeredpath Thank you for your reply. Based on your suggestion, I fixed my code as following below. I wrapped NavigationStack destination scope with WithPerceptionTracking. Then, the purple warnings disappeared. So I guess that state must be tracked.

NavigationStack(path: $store.scope(state: \.path, action: \.path)
                ) {
                } destination: { destination in
                    WithPerceptionTracking {
                        let scope = destination.case
                        switch scope {
                        case let .demo(store):
                            DemoView(store: store)

However, the navigation feature does not work correctly on iOS 16. There seems to be a difference between iOS 16 and iOS 17(As same as capturing movie). It becomes harder to find the problem because no errors or warnings occur.

mbrandonw commented 5 months ago

Hi @tsudo-kiroru, I believe this is just a problem with vanilla SwiftUI in general. The following code snippet works fine in iOS 17, but does not work in iOS 16:

class Model: ObservableObject {
  @Published var values: [Int] = []

struct ParentView: View {
  @StateObject var model = Model()

  var body: some View {
    Form {
      Button("Open") {
        isPresented: Binding(
          get: { !model.values.isEmpty },
          set: { if !$0 { model.values = [] } }
      ) {
        NavigationStack(path: $model.values) {
          .navigationDestination(for: Int.self) { int in
            Form {
              Button("Push") {
                model.values.append(.random(in: 0...1_000))

Since this is not a TCA issue I am going to convert it to a discussion, but please feel free to continue the conversation over there.