pointfreeco / swift-composable-architecture

A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
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Too many cases in path enum #3218

Closed jaanussiim closed 3 months ago

jaanussiim commented 3 months ago


This is related to following discussion https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/discussions/3162

Currently in my project, have to run in release mode on local device while developing.

Sample code to reproduce the issue

import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI

struct TheComposablePathApp: App {
  @Bindable var store = Store(initialState: Application.State(), reducer: Application.init)

  var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {
        path: $store.scope(state: \.path, action: \.path),
        root: {
          RootView(store: store.scope(state: \.rootState, action: \.root))
        destination: { store in
          switch store.case {
          case .child(let store):
            ChildView(store: store)

public struct Application {
  public struct State: Equatable {
    internal var rootState = Root.State()
    internal var path = StackState<Path.State>()

    public init() {


  public enum Action {
    case path(StackAction<Path.State, Path.Action>)
    case root(Root.Action)

    case removeElement

  public init() {


  @Dependency(\.continuousClock) var clock

  public var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce {
      state, action in

      switch action {
      case .path(.element(let id, action: .child(.drop))):
        return .none

      case .path(.element(let id, action: .child(.push))):
        state.path.append(.child(Child.State(number: state.path.ids.count)))
        return .none

      case .root(.push):
        state.path.append(.child(Child.State(number: state.path.ids.count)))
        return .none

      case .removeElement:
        let removed = state.path.ids[state.path.ids.count - 2]
        guard let index = state.path.ids.firstIndex(of: removed) else {
          return .none

        return .none

      case .path:
        return .none

      case .root:
        return .none
    .forEach(\.path, action: \.path)
    Scope(state: \.rootState, action: \.root) {

  @Reducer(state: .equatable)
  public enum Path {
    case child(Child)
    case child2(Child)
    case child3(Child)
    case child4(Child)
    case child5(Child)
    case child6(Child)
    case child7(Child)
    case child8(Child)
    case child9(Child)
    case child10(Child)
    case child11(Child)
    case child12(Child)
    case child13(Child)
    case child14(Child)
    case child15(Child)
    case child16(Child)
    case child17(Child)
    case child18(Child)
    case child19(Child)
    case child110(Child)
    case child21(Child)
    case child22(Child)
    case child23(Child)
    case child24(Child)
    case child25(Child)
    case child26(Child)
    case child27(Child)
    case child28(Child)
    case child29(Child)
    case child210(Child)
    case child31(Child)
    case child32(Child)
    case child33(Child)
    case child34(Child)
    case child35(Child)
    case child36(Child)
    case child37(Child)
    case child38(Child)
    case child39(Child)
    case child310(Child)
    case child41(Child)
    case child42(Child)
    case child43(Child)
    case child44(Child)
    case child45(Child)
    case child46(Child)
    case child47(Child)
    case child48(Child)
    case child49(Child)
    case child410(Child)
    case featureCat(FeatureCat)
    case featureDog(FeatureDog)
    case featureFish(FeatureFish)
    case featureBird(FeatureBird)
    case featureTree(FeatureTree)
    case featureLeaf(FeatureLeaf)
    case featureStar(FeatureStar)
    case featureMoon(FeatureMoon)
    case featureSun(FeatureSun)
    case featureSky(FeatureSky)
    case featureHill(FeatureHill)
    case featureRock(FeatureRock)
    case featureRiver(FeatureRiver)
    case featureLake(FeatureLake)
    case featureBoat(FeatureBoat)
    case featureShip(FeatureShip)
    case featureWave(FeatureWave)
    case featureWind(FeatureWind)
    case featureRain(FeatureRain)
    case featureSnow(FeatureSnow)
    case featureCloud(FeatureCloud)
    case featureStorm(FeatureStorm)
    case featureFog(FeatureFog)
    case featureMist(FeatureMist)
    case featureDew(FeatureDew)
    case featureFrost(FeatureFrost)
    case featureIce(FeatureIce)
    case featureFire(FeatureFire)
    case featureAsh(FeatureAsh)
    case featureEmber(FeatureEmber)
    case featureFlame(FeatureFlame)
    case featureGlow(FeatureGlow)
    case featureSpark(FeatureSpark)
    case featureBolt(FeatureBolt)
    case featureFlash(FeatureFlash)
    case featureBlaze(FeatureBlaze)
    case featureLava(FeatureLava)
    case featureSmoke(FeatureSmoke)
    case featureSteam(FeatureSteam)
    case featureSand(FeatureSand)
    case featureClay(FeatureClay)
    case featureStone(FeatureStone)
    case featureGem(FeatureGem)
    case featureJewel(FeatureJewel)
    case featureGold(FeatureGold)
    case featureIron(FeatureIron)
    case featureCopper(FeatureCopper)
    case featureBronze(FeatureBronze)
    case featureSilver(FeatureSilver)
    case featurePlatinum(FeaturePlatinum)
    case featureMercury(FeatureMercury)
    case featureZinc(FeatureZinc)
    case featureBrass(FeatureBrass)
    case featureSteel(FeatureSteel)
    case featureTin(FeatureTin)

public struct Root {
  public struct State: Equatable {
    public init() {


  public enum Action {
    case push

  public init() {


  public var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce {
      state, action in

      switch action {
      case .push:
        return .none

public struct RootView: View {
  private let store: StoreOf<Root>

  public init(store: StoreOf<Root>) {
    self.store = store

  public var body: some View {
    Button(action: { store.send(.push) }, label: {

import ComposableArchitecture

public struct Child {
  public struct State: Equatable {
    let number: Int
    public init(number: Int) {
      self.number = number

  public enum Action {
    case drop
    case push

  public init() {


  public var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce {
      state, action in

      switch action {
      case .drop:
        return .none

      case .push:
        return .none

import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI

public struct ChildView: View {
  private let store: StoreOf<Child>

  public init(store: StoreOf<Child>) {
    self.store = store

  public var body: some View {
    VStack {
      Text(String(describing: store.number))
      Button(action: { store.send(.push) }, label: {
      Button(action: { store.send(.drop) }, label: {

public struct FeatureOne {


public struct FeatureOneView: View {
  public var body: some View {

public struct FeatureCat {


public struct FeatureDog {


public struct FeatureFish {


public struct FeatureBird {


public struct FeatureTree {


public struct FeatureLeaf {


public struct FeatureStar {


public struct FeatureMoon {


public struct FeatureSun {


public struct FeatureSky {


public struct FeatureHill {


public struct FeatureRock {


public struct FeatureRiver {


public struct FeatureLake {


public struct FeatureBoat {


public struct FeatureShip {


public struct FeatureWave {


public struct FeatureWind {


public struct FeatureRain {


public struct FeatureSnow {


public struct FeatureCloud {


public struct FeatureStorm {


public struct FeatureFog {


public struct FeatureMist {


public struct FeatureDew {


public struct FeatureFrost {


public struct FeatureIce {


public struct FeatureFire {


public struct FeatureAsh {


public struct FeatureEmber {


public struct FeatureFlame {


public struct FeatureGlow {


public struct FeatureSpark {


public struct FeatureBolt {


public struct FeatureFlash {


public struct FeatureBlaze {


public struct FeatureLava {


public struct FeatureSmoke {


public struct FeatureSteam {


public struct FeatureSand {


public struct FeatureClay {


public struct FeatureStone {


public struct FeatureGem {


public struct FeatureJewel {


public struct FeatureGold {


public struct FeatureIron {


public struct FeatureCopper {


public struct FeatureBronze {


public struct FeatureSilver {


public struct FeaturePlatinum {


public struct FeatureMercury {


public struct FeatureZinc {


public struct FeatureBrass {


public struct FeatureSteel {


public struct FeatureTin {



Expected behavior

No response

Actual behavior

No response

Steps to reproduce

No response

The Composable Architecture version information


Destination operating system


Xcode version information


Swift Compiler version information

No response

mbrandonw commented 3 months ago

Hi @jaanussiim, I'm sorry you are running into issues, but also I'm not really sure there is much we can do about this. No matter what there are always going to be limitations of what Swift can handle. An enum with 105 cases is quite extreme, and if Swift is having problems with it I'm not sure there is much we can do. We do have some plans in the future that will help eliminate some stack frames from highly composed features, but even then you will still be able to run into the problem if you add even more cases to your enum.

I'd highly recommend simplifying this domain. Are all 105 features truly distinct from each other, or could some perhaps be combined and hold onto configuration state that controls their behavior? And if all 105 features are truly distinct, then you may need to just not use our stack navigation tools. You may be better off just using a vanilla NavigationStack with NavigationPath.

Another idea that comes to mind is to mark the State and Action enums as indirect so that they are heap allocated instead of stack allocated. In order to test that you would need to copy and paste the code generated by @Reducer and then prefix the enums with indirect. If that works then we could consider building support for that into @Reducer, but also this should be considered a bit of a hack. The real problem is that your domain is just not modeled in a way that scales.

I am going to convert this to a discussion because there really isn't much we can do in the near term about this.