poissonconsulting / fish-passage-22

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initial commit to address poissonconsulting/fish-passage-22#13 #14

Closed NewGraphEnvironment closed 6 months ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 7 months ago

All good not to merge. Just wanted to put this somewhere.

downloads water temp and if water temp available tries for

param_id %>% 
  filter(Parameter %in% c(1, 46, 18, 19, discharge_params)) %>% 
  select(-contains('_Fr')) %>% 

# A tibble: 10 × 5
   Parameter Code  Unit  Name_En                              Description_En                                                                                               
       <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>                                <chr>                                                                                                        
 1         1 TA    °C    Air temperature                      Temperature, air, wet bulb                                                                                   
 2         6 QRD   m3/s  Discharge (daily mean)               Provisional Daily Water Level                                                                                
 3         7 QR2   m3/s  Discharge (secondary sensor derived) Discharge, derived from secondary water level                                                                
 4         8 QRS   m3/s  Discharge (sensor)                   Discharge measured by sensor                                                                                 
 5        10 QR3   m3/s  Discharge (tertiary sensor derived)  Discharge, derived from tertiary water level                                                                 
 6        18 PC    mm    Accumulated precipitation            Precipitation, accumulator - summation of precipitation collected beginning at a specified date              
 7        19 PP    mm    Incremental precipitation            Precipitation, actual increment - discrete increase in precipitation amount over a specified duration (inclu…
 8        40 QRH   m3/s  Discharge (hourly mean)              Provisional Hourly Discharge                                                                                 
 9        46 HG    m     Water level (primary sensor)         Height, stage, elevation of the water surface at a specified station above some arbitrary zero datum         
10        47 QR    m3/s  Discharge (primary sensor derived)   Discharge - flow measured at points along a stream   

only actually returned the following though:

[1] "Water temperature"                  "Air temperature"                    "Accumulated precipitation"          "Water level (primary sensor)"      
[5] "Discharge (primary sensor derived)" "Discharge (daily mean)" 
NewGraphEnvironment commented 7 months ago

looks like I only loaded the 10 days worth (test) of data to the sqlite. will modify and add to the PR once completes successfully.

Good to go below.

Also put this as gist here https://gist.github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/0dbc6f6d184cfeb149501b58d2c91d21