poissonconsulting / fish-passage-22

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project resources #3

Open NewGraphEnvironment opened 1 year ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 1 year ago

pasting from slack with enhancements to keep somewhere easy to find

Backbone: https://github.com/smnorris/bcdata https://github.com/smnorris/bcfishpass https://github.com/smnorris/fwapg

Temperature stations found at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352340922006229

I believe the past file with most the params is calledfiss_density_pts.geojson and is in the fissr_expore repo. https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fissr_explore/blob/master/data/fiss_density_pts.geojson

Please note that there is also information regarding BEC zone that is not included in the spreadsheet but the details of columns we grabbed are here https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fissr_explore/blob/master/scripts/sql/06_fiss_density_watersheds_bec.sql . They come from here https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bec-zones-generalized-1-2m- . You can see available columns here https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bec-zones-generalized-1-2m-/resource/c3be2340-23d5-4caa-bb0c-8ecdcf088872


Sound like there are elevation params too and it is worth considering that things like prevalent watershed aspect and area of watershed above specific thresholds (ex. elev at which 60% of elevation is above) are likely not that complicated to derive

If we wanted vegetation info for temperature modelling we could perhaps look here too https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/forestry/managing-our-forest-resources/forest-inventory/data-management-and-access

If we are rerunning for the temp stations - we should perhaps discuss potential other params of interest first. Nicole - Starting by reviewing the BC data catalogue here https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/ for spatial files that may contain parameters we are interested in is maybe a good idea

#read the geojson

test <- sf::st_read('data/fiss_density_pts.geojson')
