poiuyqwert / PyMS

Broodwar Modding Suite
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PyAI - Specific scripts potentially come out corrupted after compiling #120

Open BoneHorror opened 5 years ago

BoneHorror commented 5 years ago

Been trying to incorporate JNCraton's https://github.com/jncraton/BWMetaAI/ over the past couple of days into my mod, and during that I noticed that both without and with the mod the game starts freezing past ~20-30 minutes (permafreezes with modloaders, without it's only apparent in replays) - according to Neiv that's because the game tries to access nonexistent AI commands, which is pretty weird since, as weird as Craton's script look in practice (they're generated, not written) there isn't anything in them that should cause any issues, in theory - there are waits between every jump and no infinite loops without waits of any kind, nor defenseuse misuses. So the theory is that PyAI miscompiles his script somehow.

One note - you will see PyAI commenting on corrupted comment data when you open his scripts, that's because he pads the file out with junk data to make converting it for EUD maps easier. But the freezes still happen after copypasting the scripts to a brand new AIscript.bin, so it's not relevant.