pokeclicker / pokeclicker

The new and improved version of the popular idle/incremental PokéClicker
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Feature proposal: Challenges #598

Closed Ishadijcks closed 3 years ago

Ishadijcks commented 4 years ago


The purpose of this issue is to collect opinions about what kind of challenges can be given to the player later in the game. Challenges can be a separate prestige or gamemode where certain mechanice are a little different.

I've opened this issue as a collection so we don't have too many separate issues for them.


apple096 commented 4 years ago

No click, no battle item, no shards seems like a good idea, as we can already do it now (only need to bump up the attack multiplier, which takes like 6 seconds at most)

Popoteguitou commented 4 years ago

some idea: -no hatching (need to go to Johto E4) -no click -no battle item -no shards -no pokeball factory -halved curency gain -no oak item -dungeon entrance cost quest point -qp shop item cost farm point (exept for dungeon ticket) -any combination of previous chall

Popoteguitou commented 4 years ago

also, mega stone could make a great reward for "no click, no battle item, no shards" chall

Ishadijcks commented 4 years ago

From @Popoteguitou: I don't know if prestige (soft reset) is still planned, but if it is, it will be fun to be able to lock some features on "challenges"... let me me explain : when you soft reset, you may be able to active one challenge, like no shard, or no battle item... it will lock this feature for the run, or until you give up the chall. it can unlock some dedicated bonus, like the "no shard" chall may add a +0.1 mult on shard drop, capped at x2 credit for the idea to the "ngu idle" game, who do it quite well

Ishadijcks commented 4 years ago

From @RedSparr0w: In regards to the “challenges” we could also provide some sort of bonus that would make “no click, item, shard” runs possible such as an overall 25% attack increase or xp gain increase.

apple096 commented 4 years ago

I think the NGU idle chal system wont fit this game :

apple096 commented 4 years ago

My idea is: having a long list of gated challenges , with progressively better reward.You need to complete the current challenge to access the next one. And, when you select a challenge, it will generate a different run, keeping your original run intact (some challenges can be done within the same run). An example of this

  1. Get a Pokemon to lv100 - Reward : 2 xAttack
  2. Beat the game without using any form of battle items - Reward : 1000 QP, 1000 DT, 100k coin .....
  3. Finish both Kanto and Johto without shards, battle items and clicks- Reward : Mega Rayquaza Stone, 4 Masterball
apple096 commented 4 years ago

also, the attack bonus is quite easy, as the attack function is very flexible.Just need to divide it by 225 instead of 300

Popoteguitou commented 4 years ago

if a prestige system is implemented, we will need to soft reset our progress each time we prestige, no? so my version of chall (who isn't beter or worse than anapple's one) won't be punishing... the only thing is: how to claim chall reward if you soft reset... cauz begining a new run with 1000 QP, 1000 DT, 100k coin will make too much of a head start, i think

RedSparr0w commented 4 years ago

From memory, when you prestige, all your money/QP/dungeon tokens are stored in a bank of sorts until you reach the prestige point again. This could change though.

Ishadijcks commented 4 years ago


Also to add, I would like to offer challenges not in the same way that NGU idle does them, but more along the lines of Anti Idle. This means that is is completely separate from your main progress. Rewards from the challenge would however carry over to the main game.

apple096 commented 4 years ago

That's....basically what i mentioned above

frazazel commented 4 years ago

Challenges that change the game in a meaningful way while doing the challenge. Like in Trimps or The Kingdom of Loathing.


Ishadijcks commented 4 years ago

I like those ideas!

Heppity commented 3 years ago

For me, a challenge run that change the game is Type Focus Challenges

Team Rocket Attacks!- -Now when u fight in the wilderness or even sometimes at gyms a team would appears and attack you with there pokemon (Usually 3 Pokemon) if you lose to them, they will steal one of your Pokemon, or give you a debuff such as reducing attack speed, click damage, or even attack for a certain time.