pokemongo-dev-contrib / pokemongo-json-pokedex

Transform the data from the Pokemon GO master files to a better readable & processable JSON file.
Apache License 2.0
54 stars 14 forks source link

Create example Pokedex #29

Open BrunnerLivio opened 5 years ago

BrunnerLivio commented 5 years ago

Feature Request

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like to have a public example of the pokemongo-json-pokedex.

feralheart commented 5 years ago

I creating a Telegram/Facebook pokedex bot with counter calculators and other features :smiley:

BrunnerLivio commented 5 years ago

@feralheart Nice to hear! But with this issue I thought about a small website built with Jekyll or Vue which really simply visualizes the data of pokemongo-json-pokedex

luissmg commented 5 years ago

@BrunnerLivio If you want I can help you create a simple GitHub Pages. Does that suit your purpose?

BrunnerLivio commented 5 years ago

@luissmg I was thinking about something real simple. Should be a as-small-as-possible example for the samples/ folder.

Something like that: Mockup

It is just important, that it has a lot of code comments how you access the data, and it should show how you can change the language with i18next. It does not matter how it looks in the end.

I'm happy to accept any pull request, if someone wants to do that :)

luissmg commented 5 years ago

Will give it a try in the next few days!

feralheart commented 5 years ago

My PokeDex bot is finally in OpenBeta! :) PokeHelper It creates DexCards, like this: ho_oh

BrunnerLivio commented 5 years ago

@feralheart looking good! :) So that uses the data of pokemongo-json-pokedex, right?

By the way the url is dead you've entered.

feralheart commented 5 years ago

Thank you :)

Yes, I created it from the data of the output files and from an outer reference (the Legacy Moves), with the help of a Graphic Designer friend :)

I edited the URL.

Sifogiannos commented 5 years ago

My vision was to create an offline helping tool for Pokemon GO so I created an android app, I will not post the URL of the app unless you allow me @BrunnerLivio because it contains ads I do not want to judge it as a self promotion.

I mainly use your files from outputs folder with a bit of manipulation to get the data into a structure more usable for my case.

Then I use your data to feed ReactJS to create nice functional UI components, since I feel more comfortable in creating thing with JavaScript and luck of Java knowledge. Then I just say to an Android app to load a WebView from a local asset files the ReactJS app, since all modern phones, even the cheapest one have enough computational power to do such a thing.

Sorry for my bad English and if I get you tired, but I want to tell you a big Thank You for making my life easier. screencapture-localhost-3000-2018-11-15-11_33_53

luissmg commented 5 years ago

@Sifogiannos I was building something just like this. But the interface was very similar to the original Pokemon GO app and it was with React Native. I will get back to it and share it too

Sifogiannos commented 5 years ago

@luissmg I have started React Native this project once as i knew ReactJS but after some error in compile when i updated Android SDK and some components that did not work properly from a library i use in React Native pushed me away from doing it with React Native.

luissmg commented 5 years ago

The trick is to not add any libraries until you are 100% sure you really need them. I was not using almost any external lib. I will share it with you soon!

haideralipunjabi commented 5 years ago

I gave it a shot with ReactJS and create-react-app

Website, Source Code 2019-02-25-204017_1920x1080_scrot 2019-02-25-204025_1920x1080_scrot

manish4353 commented 5 years ago

While accessing pokemon.json from outputs folder, there is no tag for pokemon image. From where we can access it, is there any other json just for that?

BrunnerLivio commented 5 years ago

@manish4353 This repo provides all the assets