pokorson / fp-materials

Materials for learning functional programming (mostly with JS focus)
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Suggestion: Add resources related to testing #7

Open dubzzz opened 3 years ago

dubzzz commented 3 years ago


While going through the links listed here about functional programing in JavaScript, I wondered: would adding some resources related to testing be a nice thing?

If so I'd mostly focus on property based testing strategies which is a pretty functional way to test. You may talk about JavaScript libraries like fast-check, jsverify or testcheck-js.

What would you think of such addition?

As author and core maintainer of fast-check (one of the libraries I listed above), I wrote a generic article about property based testing in general - https://medium.com/criteo-labs/introduction-to-property-based-testing-f5236229d237 - but also resources to start quickly with fast-check - https://github.com/dubzzz/fast-check/blob/master/documentation/HandsOnPropertyBasedJs.md. This one is pretty cool too https://dev.to/meeshkan/property-based-testing-for-javascript-developers-21b2.

pokorson commented 3 years ago

hi @dubzzz, sounds like a good suggestion 👍 will try to take a look at materials you linked later today.

dubzzz commented 3 years ago

And maybe this one - https://github.com/dubzzz/awesome-fast-check/ (but more fast-check centric)