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[Docs] [Supported Methods] Base #407

Closed zaynepokt closed 5 months ago

zaynepokt commented 1 year ago


Base is an open-source optimistic rollup built on the Ethereum blockchain. Rollups are L2 blockchains designed to enhance the scalability of layer one (L1) blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. By bundling hundreds of transactions and submitting them to L1 as a single transaction, rollups significantly reduce gas fees for the end user. Base was pioneered by Coinbase using Optimism’s OP stack, marking it as the second L2 deployed on the OP Stack after the Optimism Mainnet. Its EVM compatibility ensures that developers can effortlessly deploy their EVM codebase from Ethereum and other compatible chains directly to Base. For a deeper understanding of the specific methods for Base, refer to their official documentation here.

Archival and Non-Archival Support

For the Base blockchain, both Archival and Non-Archival nodes are supported. Developers can use a singular Chain Relay ID for accessing both Archival and Non-Archival data. This simplifies the process and ensures that you have access to comprehensive blockchain data without needing to switch between different Relay IDs.

Chain Relay IDs for Supported Methods

Each blockchain we support has a specific Portal API prefix and RelayChainID, which are integral parts of our supported methods functionality. These are used to correctly route and process requests.

Blockchain Portal API Prefix RelayChainID Blockheight
Base Mainnet base-mainnet 0079 All block heights
Base Testnet base-testnet 0080 All block heights

Supported Methods

Supported methods are API functions specific to a given blockchain, enabling interaction with its distinct features. The following is a comprehensive list of our supported methods, along with brief descriptions to understand their purpose and functionality:

Methods Description
eth_accounts Returns list of addresses owned by the client
eth_blocknumber Returns the most recent block
eth_call Call any read-only function on a deployed contract
eth_chainId Returns the current network/chain ID, used to sign replay-protected transaction introduced in EIP155
eth_createAccessList Creates an EIP-2930 access list that you can include in a transaction
eth_estimateGas Generates and returns an estimate of how much gas is necessary to allow the transaction to complete
eth_feeHistory Returns historical gas information, allowing you to track trends over time
eth_gasPrice Returns current gas price in wei
eth_getBalance Returns the balance of the given address
eth_getBlockByHash Returns information about a block by hash
eth_getBlockByNumber Returns information about a block by block number
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash Returns the number of transactions in a block from a block matching the hash provided
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber Returns the number of transactions in a block matching the provided block number
eth_getCode Returns a code indicating the type of address (i.e., Wallet v Contract)
eth_getLogs Returns an array of all logs matching a given filter object
eth_getProof Returns the account and storage values of the specified account including the Merkle-proof
eth_getStorageAt Returns the value from a storage position at a given address
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex Returns information about a transaction by block hash and transaction index position
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex Returns information about a transaction by block number and transaction index position
eth_getTransactionByHash Returns information about a transaction at the specified hash
eth_getTransactionCount Returns number of transactions sent from address
eth_getTransactionReceipt Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex Returns information about an uncle of a block by hash and uncle index position
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex Returns information about an uncle of a block by block number and index position
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash Returns the number of uncles in a block from a block matching the provided block hash
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber Returns the number of uncles in a block matching the provided block number
eth_getWork Returns the hash of the current block, the seedHash, and the boundary condition to be met ('target')
eth_hashrate Returns the number of hashes per second that the node is mining with
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas Get the priority fee needed to be included in a block
eth_mining Returns true if client is actively mining new blocks
eth_protocolVersion Returns the current ETH protocol version
eth_sendRawTransaction Creates new message call transaction or a contract creation for signed transactions
eth_submitWork Used for submitting a proof-of-work solution
eth_syncing Returns the sync data

Due to the permissionless, decentralized nature of the node network, not all nodes are configured the same. The following methods may be supported by some nodes but not others. It is possible to return an error if a node is hit that does not support these methods.

Methods Description
net_version Returns the ETH Network ID
net_listening Returns true if client is listening for network connections
net_peerCount Returns number of peers connected to the client
web3_clientVersion Returns the current client version
web3_sha3 Returns Keccak-256 (not the standardized SHA3-256) of the given data
txpool_content Returns all pending and queued transactions
txpool_inspect Returns a textual summary of all pending and queued transactions
txpool_status Returns the number of transactions in pending and queued states
fredteumer commented 1 year ago

For the Base blockchain, both Archival and Non-Archival nodes are supported. Developers can use a singular Chain Relay ID for accessing both Archival and Non-Archival data. This simplifies the process and ensures that you have access to comprehensive blockchain data without needing to switch between different Relay IDs.

Should fix a couple things, something like this:

For both the Base and Base Testnet blockchains, both Archival and Non-Archival requests are supported. Developers can use a singular Endpoint for accessing both Archival and Non-Archival data. This simplifies the process and ensures that you have access to comprehensive blockchain data without needing to switch between different Endpoints.