pokt-network / pocket

Official implementation of the Pocket Network Protocol v1
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[P2P] Router bootstrapping #859

Open bryanchriswhite opened 1 year ago

bryanchriswhite commented 1 year ago


Clarify bootstrapping requirements, constraints sufficient to align on "correct" behavior and realize "low-hanging" optimization opportunity.

Origin Document

Questions surfaced while working on #732 & #694.




a[State description]
subgraph next[Next state description]
    nest[Nested state description]
other[Other state]


a --> next
next --> cond
cond --"condition value"--> other

cond --"alternative value"--> act
act --"result"--> other



start[Node Startup]
subgraph persStart[Persistence Module Start]
    hasState{Does this node already\nhave some state?}
    gen(["Genesis hydration\n(initial staked actor\nidentities nadded to state)"])

hasState --"NO"--> gen

subgraph p2pStart[P2P Module Start]
    subgraph l[Libp2p Host Setup]
        ll([Libp2p host\nlistening])
    subgraph sar[Staked Actor Router Setup]
        sarHandle([Staked actor router\nprotocol handler\nregistered])
    subgraph usar[Unstaked actor Router Setup]
        usarDisc([Unstaked actor DHT peer\ndiscovery start])
        usarHandle([Unstaked actor router\nprotocol handler\nregistered])
        usarGossip([Unstaked actor router\nGossipsub setup])

l --> sar
sar --> usar

bs[P2P Bootstrapping Start]

isBSNode{Is this node\nconfigured as a\nbootstrap node?}

start --> persStart
persStart --> p2pStart
p2pStart --> bs
bs --> isBSNode
isBSNode --"NO"--> bsProg
isBSNode --"YES"--> bsBSNode

firstBS --> bsReachable
bsReachable --"YES"--> rpc

subgraph bsProg[RPC bootstrapping]
    firstBS[Considering first configured bootstrap node]
    rpc([Get staked peers from\n`rpcPeerstoreProvider`\nusing bootstrap node])
    isStaked{Is this node a\nstaked actor?}

    firstPeer[Considering first peer]
    nextPeer[Considering next peer]
    peerReachable{Is the current\npeer healthy?}
    morePeers{Are there more peers?}

    bsReachable{"is the current\nbootstrap node healthy?"}

    addStaked([Add peer to\nstaked actor router])
    addUnstaked([Add peer to\nunstaked actor router])
    addLibp2p([Add peer to libp2p host])
    con([Attempt to connect])

    minbs{are >= 3 peers\nconnected?}
    bsAttempts{"Max attempts\nreached for this\npeer?"}

    moreBS{Are there more\nconfigured\nbootstrap nodes?}
    nextBS[Considering next\nbootstrap node]

minbs --"NO"--> bsFail
minbs --"YES"--> bsDone

bsReachable --"NO"--> nextBS
rpc --> firstPeer

firstPeer --> peerReachable
peerReachable --"YES"--> isStaked
isStaked --"YES"--> addStaked
isStaked --"NO"--> addUnstaked
addStaked --> addUnstaked
addUnstaked --> addLibp2p
peerReachable --"NO"--> nextPeer
nextPeer --> peerReachable
addLibp2p --> con
con --"success"--> morePeers
morePeers --"NO"--> moreBS
morePeers --"YES"--> nextPeer
con --"error"--> bsAttempts

nextBS --> bsReachable

bsFail --> nodeFail
bsAttempts --"NO"--> bsRetry
bsAttempts --"YES"--> nextPeer

bsRetry --> con

moreBS --"NO" --> minbs
moreBS --"YES"--> nextBS

subgraph bsBSNode[Bootstrap node setup]
    gps["Get staked peers from\n`persistencePeerstoreProvider`\n(last known state; possibly genesis\nor a snapshot)"]
    addAllStaked([Add peers to\nstaked actor router])
    addAllUnstaked([Add peers to\nunstaked actor router])
    addAllLibp2p([Add peers to libp2p\nhost peerstore])
    isStaked2{Is this node a\nstaked actor?}

gps --> isStaked2
isStaked2 --"YES"--> addAllStaked
isStaked2 --"NO"--> addAllUnstaked
addAllStaked --> addAllUnstaked
addAllUnstaked --> addAllLibp2p
addAllLibp2p --> bsDone

bsFail["P2P Bootrapping Failure"]
nodeFail["Node Startup Failure"]

bsDone["P2P Bootstrapping Success"]

fsm["State Machine Transition\n(`P2P_IsBootstrapped`)"]
bsDone --> fsm
fsm --> rest


Non-goals / Non-deliverables

General issue deliverables

Testing Methodology

Creator: @bryanchriswhite Co-Owners:

Olshansk commented 1 year ago

@bryanchriswhite I have not done a deep dive into it, but am aware that libp2p has it's own opinion, approach and tooling to bootstrap (e.g. [1]). Questions are:

  1. Are you aware of it and/or have looked into it?
  2. Is it one of the potential options we are, or should, consider?

[1] https://discuss.libp2p.io/t/how-to-create-bootstrap-node-correctly-always-searching-for-other-peers/1389

bryanchriswhite commented 10 months ago

@bryanchriswhite I have not done a deep dive into it, but am aware that libp2p has it's own opinion, approach and tooling to bootstrap (e.g. [1]). Questions are:

  1. Are you aware of it and/or have looked into it?
  2. Is it one of the potential options we are, or should, consider?

[1] https://discuss.libp2p.io/t/how-to-create-bootstrap-node-correctly-always-searching-for-other-peers/1389

TL;DR everything is in terms of pokt address at the highest level at the moment which adds an otherwise unnecessary layer of complexity.

@Olshansk, I am aware of and we are using the go-libp2p-kad-dht package to facilitate unstaked actor (aka background) router bootstrapping. However, until we go libp2p-native with respect to at least peer IDs, we have to ensure that both routers can map a given pokt address to its corresponding public key.

FWIW, my experience has also been that some significant changes have been made to that library in relatively recent history which renders much of the discussions and examples I've encountered irrelevant, including conversations with chatGPT. :confused: Although, I think we're pretty well sorted on that front (see: kad_discovery_baseline_test.go).