pokt-network / pocket

Official implementation of the Pocket Network Protocol v1
MIT License
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Implement MVC E2E Feature Path F.5: Protocol Upgrades #882

Open 0xBigBoss opened 12 months ago

0xBigBoss commented 12 months ago

Objective: Implement MVC E2E Feature Path F.5: Protocol Upgrades

Origin Document:

Purpose: The purpose of this feature is to provide an interface for registering and applying blockchain protocol upgrades. It includes mechanisms for version-specific upgrade handlers, submitting upgrade messages, cancelling scheduled upgrades, as well as database schema and data migration during hard forks.

Actors: Check all of the protocol actors involved in the feature:

Data Structures:

message MessageUpgradeProtocol {
  bytes signer = 1;
  int64 height = 2;
  string new_version = 3;

message MessageCancelUpgradeProtocol {
  bytes signer = 1;
  string version = 3;


type UpgradeModule interface {

 // ApplyUpgrade applies the upgrade for the specified version.
 ApplyUpgrade(version string) error

 // SubmitUpgradeMessage submits a governance message for an upgrade.
 SubmitUpgradeMessage(message UpgradeMessage) error

 // SubmitCancelUpgradeMessage submits a governance message to cancel a scheduled upgrade.
 SubmitCancelUpgradeMessage(message CancelUpgradeMessage) error


title: Protocol Upgrades
    participant ACL as ACL Owner
    participant B as Node

    ACL->>+B: Submit MessageUpgradeProtocol (valid input)
    Note right of B: Validate the message
    B->>-ACL: Message Submitted Successfully
    Note over B: Wait until activation height
    B->>B: Apply the protocol upgrade
    ACL->>+B: Query the protocol version
    B->>-ACL: Return the updated protocol version
    ACL->>+B: Submit MessageUpgradeProtocol (invalid input)
    Note right of B: Validate the message
    B->>-ACL: Message Rejected (Invalid Input)
title: Cancel Protocol Upgrades
    participant ACLOwner as ACL Owner
    participant Node as Node
    participant UpgradeModule as Upgrade Module

    Note over ACLOwner,UpgradeModule: ACL Owner decides to cancel a scheduled upgrade

    ACLOwner->>+Node: Submit CancelUpgradeMessage
    Node->>-Node: Cancel the scheduled upgrade if on or before activation height
    ACLOwner->>+Node: Query the cancellation status
    Node->>-ACLOwner: Return the cancellation status
title: Jumping Forward Too Many Versions
    participant ACL as ACL Owner
    participant B as Node

    ACL->>+B: Submit MessageUpgradeProtocol (version jump)
    Note right of B: Validate the message
    B->>-ACL: Message Rejected (Too Many Versions Ahead)
title: Cancel Protocol Upgrade from the Past
    participant ACL as ACL Owner
    participant B as Node

    ACL->>+B: Submit MessageCancelUpgradeProtocol (past version)
    Note right of B: Validate the message
    B->>-ACL: Message Rejected (Cannot Cancel Past Upgrade)

User Stories as Tests:

Happy Paths:


General issue deliverables

Testing Methodology

Creator: @0xBigBoss Co-owner: @Olshansk

Olshansk commented 12 months ago

@0xBigBoss This issue looks great!

Made some small inline nits to the description but also have a few extra questions.

RegisterUpgradeHandler(version uint64, handler UpgradeHandler) error

Rather than registering a handler (which is the async cosmos approach), the v1 repo is simpler in most sense. I believe the module should simply upgrade the protocol rather than needing a handler registration.

As a network participant, I submit a CancelUpgradeProposal through the UpgradeModule when I realize an upcoming scheduled upgrade contains issues. The proposal gets accepted before the activation height, and the scheduled upgrade is cancelled.

I believe this would need to be either 67%+ of the validator consensus or a special ACL owner as well. DO you think any network participant should be able to cancel the transaction?

Extra requests:

  1. Can you add sad/happy paths for trying to jump forward too many versions or cancel something from the instant path?
  2. Can you add a mermaid diagram with a view of the network participant (it'll be dependent on the outcome of the question above)
Olshansk commented 11 months ago

@0xBigBoss Wanted to check in if there are any updates or progress on this?

Olshansk commented 11 months ago

@h5law posted the following question in one of our internal channels. @0xBigBoss, is it fair to assume that our protocol upgrades will be the equivalent of Tendermint's RevisionNumber?

Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 3 07 27 PM

0xBigBoss commented 11 months ago

hey @Olshansk issue description is updated.

I believe the module should simply upgrade the protocol rather than needing a handler registration.

Need to think about this, probably safe to do it this way as well. I planned on registering them during the upgrade module creation and applying any needed upgrades during the start. I guess these details can be an internal detail though and not necessarily available via interface.

I believe I wanted to keep them separated so we can have a path for upgrading a binary early without necessarily applying them. I think it also makes sense to separate the logic of which upgrades are capable of handling vs actually applying them.

Will move forward with it as a internal or submodule.

DO you think any network participant

sry this was a typo.

is it fair to assume that our protocol upgrades will be the equivalent of Tendermint's RevisionNumber

hey @h5law and @Olshansk , we could include a separate variable, or we could convert the app version string to a number. I don't have much context on the purpose of that height struct though.

h5law commented 11 months ago

hey @h5law and @Olshansk , we could include a separate variable, or we could convert the app version string to a number. I don't have much context on the purpose of that height struct though.

To give context here the Height struct from the image is used as part of the IBC light clients to represent the height of a network. We can define a custom implementation but I think using the revision number-revision height to represent our chain is not super out of reach from how things work currently.

Maybe converting the app version string to a number is good, I was thinking more basic in terms of V0 height 100 would look like 0-100 and V1 height 100 would be 1-100 but this can be changed and worked on as this develops

Olshansk commented 11 months ago

I looked at the docs [1] and here's the key takeaway:

On any reset of the RevisionHeight—for example, when hard-forking a Tendermint chain— the RevisionNumber will get incremented.


  1. Pocket-v1 is fundamentally a different blockchain than pocket-v0 (treat it as a separate chain where the end of v0 is the genesis of v1)
  2. Keep RevisionNumber as a monotonically increasing integer. It only increments on consensus breaking changes
  3. @h5law To unblock your work, assume that RevisionNumber is going to be the "major release" we get from the version string.

This should be enough to unblock both efforts to continue in parallel, but lmk if you have any other questions.

[1] https://ibc.cosmos.network/main/ibc/overview.html

Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 11 18 20 AM

0xBigBoss commented 11 months ago

I'll be moving and grooving on this issue on this branch 0xbigboss/gov/upgrades-and-params

Olshansk commented 11 months ago

I'll be moving and grooving on this issue on this branch 0xbigboss/gov/upgrades-and-params

Feel free to create a draft PR and keep pushing changes so we can provide preliminary feedback on specific parts if/when necessary.

Olshansk commented 11 months ago

@0xBigBoss Wanted to check in w/ a few questions:

  1. Are you working on this prior or in parallel to #879?
  2. I know you raised #930. Is this a hard blocker or are you able to continue making progress in the meantime?
  3. Any cool updates to show/share?
  4. Do you have any questions or need any help/guidance?
0xBigBoss commented 11 months ago
  1. Are you working on this prior or in parallel to Implement MVC E2E Feature Path F.1-4: E2E Feature Flags #879?

I am only reading that code path for now. But I don't think I'll include it in the PR other than the TODOs.

  1. I know you raised [bug][rpc] querying unconfirmed transactions fails #930. Is this a hard blocker or are you able to continue making progress in the meantime?

Nope not a blocker at all.

  1. Any cool updates to show/share?

Nothing too crazy so far! Just filling the codebase with a bunch of debug logs lol.

  1. Do you have any questions or need any help/guidance?

Not quite there yet, I may have some changes to the spec once I have the initial version e2e with upgrades, but so far so good. I am still in progress on the utility/unit of work/persistence modules and how they all work together.

Olshansk commented 11 months ago


Nothing too crazy so far! Just filling the codebase with a bunch of debug logs lol.

I really want to leverage the "beginner's 👀 " as you do this. If you find opportunities to improve the codebase, refactor things, improve documentation, add tooling, etc, PLEASE don't hesitate to submit PRs alongside or create issues to track it. Thanks in advance!

0xBigBoss commented 11 months ago

@Olshansk draft is up https://github.com/pokt-network/pocket/pull/948. Things have been great so far, not too many things that I've been doing differently. Was just a lot more code for me to read to get up to speed.