pokt-network / pocket

Official implementation of the Pocket Network Protocol v1
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[Persistence] Adds `node` subcommand to CLI #935

Closed dylanlott closed 11 months ago

dylanlott commented 11 months ago


Adds the first step of the CLI harness for save and load E2E testing. This PR is the first of a series and will be followed by additional PRs adding the actual sub-command logic and execution.

node keyword was chosen contrary to #566 as per the Discussion in Discord.



Relates to a series of changes to address #566

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dylanlott commented 11 months ago

Changes lgtm. Any reason we can't base this against main instead of persistence/savepoints-initial?

Absolutely none 😄 I had just been on savepoints-initial when I made the PR 👍 I dropped the others and updated the base branch. 🌴