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[Docs] Relay session & claim/proof diagrams #478

Closed bryanchriswhite closed 1 week ago

bryanchriswhite commented 2 months ago


Incorporates RPC Session Life-Cycle into docusaurus docs.


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Olshansk commented 2 months ago

@bryanchriswhite Aiming to review this by mid week.

Olshansk commented 2 months ago

@bryanchriswhite Just a heads up that I started reviewing this!

bryanchriswhite commented 1 week ago
%% ---
%% displayMode: compact
%% ---
    title Session Relay / Claim / Proof Windows
    dateFormat ss
    axisFormat %S
    tickInterval 1second

    section Relays
        Session N Start : milestone, sns, 00, 0s
        num_blocks_per_session          :nbps, 00, 4s
        Session N End :milestone, sne, after nbps, 0s
        grace_period_end_offset_blocks : gpof, after sne, 2s
        Session N+1 Start : milestone, after sne, 0s
    section Claim Window
        claim_window_open_offset_blocks : cwob, after sne, 10ms
        Session N Claim Window Open : milestone, cwo, after cwob, 0s
        claim_window_close_offset_blocks : cwcb, after cwo, 4s
        Session N Claim Window Close : milestone, cwc, after cwcb, 0s
    section Proof Window
        proof_window_open_offset_blocks : pwob, after cwc, 10ms
        Session N Proof Window Open : milestone, pwo, after pwob, 0s
        proof_window_close_offset_blocks : pwcb, after pwo, 4s
        Session N PRoof Window Close : milestone, pwc, after pwcb, 0s
    title Session Claim/Proof Windows

    section Session
    : session N starts
    : relays for session N
    : num_blocks_per_session blocks elapse 
    : session N ends    
    section Claim Window
    Claim window & grace period
    : late relays for session N
    : session_grace_period blocks elapse
    : grace period ends

    : claim_window_open _offset_blocks - session_grace_period blocks elapse
    : claim window opens
    : claims for session N
    : claim_window_close _offset_blocks - session_grace_period blocks elapse
    : claim window closes
    section Proof Window
    Proof window
    : proof_window_open _offset_blocks  blocks elapse
    : proof window opens
    : proofs for session N
    : proof_window_close _offset_blocks blocks elapse
    : proof window closes