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[Off-Chain] ModuleParamsClient & Historical Params #543

Open bryanchriswhite opened 1 month ago

bryanchriswhite commented 1 month ago


Enable support for off-chain processes to react to parameter changes asynchronously.

Origin Document

Observations made while working on #517. In order for off-chain processes to use the correct governance params in the appropriate places in the protocol, they MUST be aware of the most recent param values. In some cases, off-chain processes MUST also know the historical values of some params.


  1. It doesn't make sense for changes to protocol parameters to take effect during a session.
  2. We SHOULD limit the amount of historical data that is persisted to only what is necessary; let external indexers support non-essential indexing.


A param update message is committed in the middle of a session, modifying num_blocks_per_session & min_relay_difficulty_bits by the time a proof is submitted & validated on-chain. The num_blocks_per_session and min_relay_difficulty_bits at the time of the session to which the proof corresponds (i.e. will not be the current session) MUST be used. There may also be off-chain use cases (presently or in the future) which require previous values for params.


participant SessionQueryClient as Supplier
participant Poktrolld
participant PNF

Note over SessionQueryClient,PNF: Session N Start

PNF->>Poktrolld: Update params

    SessionQueryClient-->Poktrolld: (wait for sesison end)

Note over SessionQueryClient,PNF: Session N End

    SessionQueryClient-->Poktrolld: (wait for grace period end)

Note over SessionQueryClient,PNF: Session N Grace Period End

SessionQueryClient ->> Poktrolld: Create claim

    SessionQueryClient-->Poktrolld: (wait for next grace period end)

Note over SessionQueryClient,PNF: Session N+1 Grace Period End

SessionQueryClient ->> Poktrolld: Submit proof

Poktrolld->>Poktrolld: Validate proof


Design Choices

On-chain persistence of historical params

When a param update message is committed:

  1. The corresponding on-chain params value(s) are updated on commit.
  2. The previous param value(s), the current session number, & the height at which the param update message is committed are stored in the on-chain state. There are a couple of options for how to persist historical params that effect what their usage would look like:

    1. Add a cache of previous values to the existing params data structure
      • History: map[updateHeight]Params{}
    2. Persist historical param values in a new multistore store (w/ height & param name indices)

i. When an off-chain client queries for params, the response includes the current param values, as well as previous values, the last session number that each previous was set, and the height at which each previous value was updated (no longer valid after). An additional parameter would be introduced to determine the "retention block count" for (each or all?) param(s).



ii. An off-chain client could query would make distinct queries whether querying for current params or historical params. Historical param queries would take a height argument & MAY return an error if the requested height is older than the "retention block count"



Another degree of freedom is open regarding whether or not to add methods for querying param values a specific height, and if so, whether those methods should be on-chain, off-chain, or both.

  1. On-chain only (e.g. aroundKeeper#Params() & QueryParamsRequest)
    • Could apply to both i or ii.
  2. Off-chain only (e.g. on the Params go protobuf struct itself)
    • Only applies in i, where historical params are present on the Params data structure.


  1. Use the respective module's QueryClient to query for the params initially, followed by subscribing to block events via a BlockClient (or its EventsReplayClient deconstruction used with block.UnmarshalNewBlockEvent()) such that updated params may be emitted by an observable & a cache is accumulated over time. Params at height which are not in this cache MUST be queried for on-chain.


    • Easy to use & versatile
    • Compatible & consistent with other async client behavior


    • May beg refactoring in the block client. It would be convenient to have a method that returns an observable of block.CometNewBlockEvents (see: session_steps_test.go:131).
  2. Use a BlockClient & the respective module's QueryClient to query for the params at the start height of each session.


    • Reduces frequency (as compared to naive implementation) of queries


    • More imperative
    • Increased query overhead
    • Likely reduces to 1 just without the cache


Non-goals / Non-deliverables

General deliverables

Creator: @bryanchriswhite