Open kszlim opened 3 months ago
Closing as there's a lot of irrelevant information and now there's a MRE
I don't believe the collect_all
is strictly necessary to induce a deadlock, but it does make the deadlock far easier to reproduce.
@coastalwhite curious if you managed to reproduce this?
I have not really looked at this yet, sorry.
No worries! I just want to make sure you have all you need, happy to help with anything needed.
One annoying thing with this deadlock is that it only reproduces on machine with a high number of vCPU.
Try reproducing this on a c6a.24xlarge on AWS. I've confirmed it doesn't reproduce on a macbook.
Can confirm this is still as issue as of 1.8.2
I think i managed to get it to reproduce on a m1` macbook pro:
first run:
ulimit -n 10240 # This is needed due to sheer quantity of files
import os
os.environ["POLARS_CONCURRENCY_BUDGET"] = "1500" # not sure if this is needed or even does anything with the async local reader
os.environ["POLARS_FORCE_ASYNC"] = "1"
import polars as pl
import numpy as np
import polars.selectors as cs
import shutil
from import Generator, Iterable
from itertools import islice
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T")
def create_random_dataframe(num_rows=250000, num_cols=50):
"""Create a random dataframe with specified number of rows and columns."""
data = {f'col_{i}': np.random.randn(num_rows).astype(np.float32) for i in range(num_cols)}
return pl.DataFrame(data)
def write_hive_partitioned_dataframes(base_path, num_partitions=2000):
"""Write random dataframes to Hive-partitioned directory, creating the Parquet file only once."""
# Create the base directory if it doesn't exist
os.makedirs(base_path, exist_ok=True)
# Create a single random dataframe
df = create_random_dataframe()
# Write the dataframe to a temporary Parquet file
temp_file = os.path.join(base_path, "temp.parquet")
for i in range(num_partitions):
# Create the partition directory
if i % 10 == 0:
print(f"Writing {i}")
partition_path = os.path.join(base_path, f"id={i}")
os.makedirs(partition_path, exist_ok=True)
# Copy the temporary Parquet file to the partition
output_path = os.path.join(partition_path, f"part-{i}.parquet")
if os.path.exists(output_path):
shutil.copy(temp_file, output_path)
# Remove the temporary file
print(f"Created {num_partitions} Hive-partitioned dataframes in {base_path}")
def batched(iterable: Iterable[T], n: int) -> Generator[tuple[T, ...], None, None]:
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from iterable."""
if n < 1:
msg = "n must be at least one"
raise ValueError(msg)
it = iter(iterable)
while batch := tuple(islice(it, n)):
yield batch
def get_ldf(base_path):
ldf = pl.scan_parquet(
return ldf
base_path = "hive_partitioned_data"
NUM_IDS = 1000
write_hive_partitioned_dataframes(base_path, NUM_IDS)
base_ldf = get_ldf(base_path)
IDS = list(range(NUM_IDS))
ID_COL = 'id'
exprs = []
for column in base_ldf.columns:
exprs.append(pl.col(column).over(ID_COL)) # Don't think this is actually required, but seems to make it happen more frequently.
for i in range(200):
ldfs = []
for batch in batched(IDS, 5):
ldf = base_ldf.filter(pl.col(ID_COL).is_in(batch))
ldf = ldf.with_columns(exprs)
ldf = ldf.group_by(ID_COL).agg(cs.float().mean().name.suffix("_mean"), cs.float().median().name.suffix("_median"), cs.float().min().name.suffix("_min"), cs.float().max().name.suffix("_max"), cs.float().std().name.suffix("_std"))
print(f"On iteration: {i}")
dfs = pl.collect_all(ldfs)
df = pl.concat(dfs)
Seems to take longer to reproduce though.
@kszlim I tried reproducing locally but I think my macbook doesn't have enough RAM (it has 32GB).
@orlp does it work if you reduce NUM_IDS slightly?
Can confirm this still repros for me on polars 1.12.0
Reproducible example
first do:
Log output
Issue description
This code deadlocks after a while, took a few minutes for me (might heavily depend on your computer as it's probably a function of core count, I suspect, but cannot confirm that more cores makes it more likely to occur), i also think more files might help it reproduce more reliably. I'm running this on a
in AWS.Expected behavior
Shouldn't deadlock
Installed versions