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Shifting Rows within Columns #8511

Open matquant14 opened 1 year ago

matquant14 commented 1 year ago

Problem description

Pandas permits shifting values along both row and column axes.

Can similar implementation be done to shift rows, left and right? Currently you can only shift up and down. Would be great if there's an option to set the axis it shifts on.

mkleinbort-ic commented 1 year ago

I've never had to do this before, and I'm not sure how good a fit this is to the columnar style...

That said - maybe this code snippet helps:

df.pipe(lambda x: x.select(x.columns[1:], x.columns[0]))

You could turn this into a function too:

def _shifth(self:pl.DataFrame, n:int)->pl.DataFrame:

    if n < 0:
        n = len(self.columns)+n 

    return self.select(self.columns[n:] + self.columns[:n])

df.pipe(_shifth, -3)

and register it as a method using the "Extend the API" instructions: https://pola-rs.github.io/polars/py-polars/html/reference/api.html

matquant14 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion. Not quite what I was referring to. I was looking more for shifting rows while keeping columns in tact.

In pandas its as easy as this:

def _shift_columns(df: pd.DataFrame,
                   start: int,
                   end: int,
                   periods: int,
                   axis: int | str,
                   fill = str) -> pd.DataFrame:

    df.iloc[start:end, :] = df.iloc[start:end, :].shift(periods = periods, axis = axis, fill_value = fill)
    return df
cmdlineluser commented 1 year ago

Could probably be simplified - but perhaps this helps:

import polars as pl

df = pl.from_repr("""
│ a   ┆ b   ┆ c   │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ str ┆ str │
│ 1   ┆ 5   ┆ 9   │
│ 2   ┆ 6   ┆ 10  │
│ 3   ┆ 7   ┆ 11  │
│ 4   ┆ 8   ┆ 12  │

start = 1
end = 2
periods = 2
fill_value = "moo"

values = [
   pl.lit(fill_value) if col is None else col 
   for col in pl.Series(df.columns).shift(periods)

exprs = dict(zip(df.columns, values))

        pl.when(pl.first().cumcount().is_between(start, end))
shape: (4, 3)
│ a   ┆ b   ┆ c   │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ str ┆ str │
│ 1   ┆ 5   ┆ 9   │
│ moo ┆ moo ┆ 2   │
│ moo ┆ moo ┆ 3   │
│ 4   ┆ 8   ┆ 12  │
matquant14 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @cmdlineluser! I still need familiarize myself w/ the API a little more, but your code helps a lot. The workaround I wrote isn't quite as elegant

    def _hshift(df: pl.DataFrame | pl.LazyFrame,
                periods: int,
                idx: int | List[int],
                fill_value: Any = None) -> pl.DataFrame | pl.LazyFrame:
         Method to shift columns horizontally w/in dataframe

        is_lazy = isinstance(df, pl.LazyFrame)
        if is_lazy:
            df = df.collect()

        rows = df.rows()
        if isinstance(idx, list):
            for x in idx:
                rows[x] = rows[x][-periods:] + rows[x][:-periods]
                if fill_value:
                    rows[x] = list(rows[x])
                    rows[x][-periods + 1] = fill_value
            rows[idx] = rows[idx][-periods:] + rows[idx][:-periods]
            if fill_value:
                rows[idx] = list(rows[idx])
                rows[idx][-periods + 1] = fill_value

        df = pl.DataFrame(rows[1:]).transpose(column_names = rows[0])

        if is_lazy:
            return df.lazy()
            return df
ritchie46 commented 1 year ago

I feel this is so wrong. What are you trying to do?

matquant14 commented 1 year ago

I'm parsing tables from PDF files using tabula-py, which uses JAVA on the backend. Tabula can dump the parsed table into a pandas dataframe, but sometimes it doesn't always parse all the rows correctly. Sometimes the values end up shifted into the wrong column.

I already have a process set up using pandas but I was hoping to fix the parsed table w/ polars (without having to rewrite the entire I/O process), since I've been incorporating it more into my workflows.

For example, after parsing the PDF the dataframe may look like this

| a      | b      | c     |
| A      | 1/2/00 | 17:00 |
| D      | 5/4/18 | 07:00 |
| 6/7/22 | 07:00  |       |

but I need to get it to look like this

| a      | b      | c     |
| A      | 1/2/00 | 17:00 |
| D      | 5/4/18 | 07:00 |
| D      | 6/7/22 | 07:00 |
cmdlineluser commented 1 year ago

With regards to PDF parsing - pdfplumber may be of interest if you're not aware of it.


You can customize all of the table finding parameters if the defaults don't extract the data cleanly.

lucazanna commented 1 year ago

One option that will not perform well (but you might not mind because the data on each page of the pdf is small) is to use transpose.

1 - transpose rows to columns 2- shift columns 3- transpose back columns to rows

matquant14 commented 1 year ago

thanks @cmdlineluser. I know of pdfplumber, but haven't used it. Looks like the table extraction is similar/based off Tabula, but I'll take a look.

@lucazanna I did consider that, but I was running into performance issues as you mention. This is my current workaround, after a few iterations:

def _switch_rows(rows: Tuple[Any] | List[Tuple[Any, ...]] | List[Dict[str, Any]],
                 idx: int | List[int],
                 periods: int,
                 fill_value: str | None = None
                 ) -> Tuple[List[Any], ...]:
    Switch values in a List or tuple

    rows = [list(row) for row in rows]
    if isinstance(idx, list):

        for x in idx:
            rows[x] = rows[x][-periods:] + rows[x][:-periods]

            if fill_value:
                rows[x][-periods + 1] = fill_value

        rows[idx] = rows[idx][-periods:] + rows[idx][:-periods]
        if fill_value:
            rows[idx][-periods + 1] = fill_value

    switched_rows = tuple(list(x) for x in zip(*rows))
    return switched_rows

def _hshift(df: pl.DataFrame | pl.LazyFrame,
            periods: int,
            idx: int | List[int],
            fill_value: str | int | float | None = None) -> pl.DataFrame | pl.LazyFrame:

     Method to shift columns horizontally w/in dataframe


    columns = df.columns
    match df:
        case pl.LazyFrame():
            rows = Schedule._switch_rows(df.fetch().rows(), idx, periods, fill_value)
            ldf = pl.LazyFrame(rows, schema = columns)

            return ldf

        case pl.DataFrame():
            rows = Schedule._switch_rows(df.rows(), idx, periods, fill_value)
            df = pl.DataFrame(rows, schema = columns)

            return df
deanm0000 commented 1 year ago

Here's a right shift using the logic that the column c is null that only uses expressions, it doesn't decompose the dataframe into rows and put it back together.

df=pl.DataFrame({'a':['A','D','6/7/22'], 'b':['1/2/00','5/4/18','07:00'], 'c':['17:00','07:00',None]})
shape: (3, 3)
│ a      ┆ b      ┆ c     │
│ ---    ┆ ---    ┆ ---   │
│ str    ┆ str    ┆ str   │
│ A      ┆ 1/2/00 ┆ 17:00 │
│ D      ┆ 5/4/18 ┆ 07:00 │
│ 6/7/22 ┆ 07:00  ┆ null  │

    allcols= pl.when(pl.col('c').is_not_null())
                        for i in range(len(df.columns)-1)
shape: (3, 3)
│ a    ┆ b      ┆ c     │
│ ---  ┆ ---    ┆ ---   │
│ str  ┆ str    ┆ str   │
│ A    ┆ 1/2/00 ┆ 17:00 │
│ D    ┆ 5/4/18 ┆ 07:00 │
│ null ┆ 6/7/22 ┆ 07:00 │

that's just the right shift, if the logic should be that the missing a should just come down from the previous row then just add a shift term like this:

    allcols= pl.when(pl.col('c').is_not_null())
                        for i in range(len(df.columns)-1)
                ] + [pl.col(df.columns[0]).shift()]))
shape: (3, 3)
│ a   ┆ b      ┆ c     │
│ --- ┆ ---    ┆ ---   │
│ str ┆ str    ┆ str   │
│ A   ┆ 1/2/00 ┆ 17:00 │
│ D   ┆ 5/4/18 ┆ 07:00 │
│ D   ┆ 6/7/22 ┆ 07:00 │

If you want to do it by row index then this should work

    allcols= pl.when(pl.col('row_nr')!=2)
                        for i in range(len(df.columns)-1)
                ] + [pl.col(df.columns[0]).shift()]))
    ).drop(df.columns + ['row_nr']).unnest('allcols')
shape: (3, 3)
│ a   ┆ b      ┆ c     │
│ --- ┆ ---    ┆ ---   │
│ str ┆ str    ┆ str   │
│ A   ┆ 1/2/00 ┆ 17:00 │
│ D   ┆ 5/4/18 ┆ 07:00 │
│ D   ┆ 6/7/22 ┆ 07:00 │
matquant14 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @deanm0000!

matquant14 commented 1 year ago

Working off @deanm0000's suggestion, think I've got an improved implementation vs. my previous one. might still slow down using row counts, but better...

def _hshift(df: pl.LazyFrame | pl.DataFrame,
            idx: int | List[int],
            fill_value: str | int | float | None = None) ->  pl.LazyFrame | pl.DataFrame:

    import polars.selectors as cs

    if isinstance(idx, int):
        idx = [idx]

    columns = cs.expand_selector(df, cs.all())
    ndf = (df.with_row_count(name = 'rownum')
                          .then(pl.struct([pl.col(columns[i]).alias(columns[i + 1])
                                           for i in range(len(columns) - 1)]

    if fill_value:
        return (ndf
                .with_row_count(name = 'rownum')

    return ndf