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bug: Incorrect computation of metrics when using group_by #664

Open andreas-vester opened 8 months ago

andreas-vester commented 8 months ago

If I group_by using the Portfolio.stats() method, there might be a bug.

Consider the following example:

import pandas as pd

import vectorbt as vbt
from datetime import datetime

symbols = ["SPY", "QQQ", "DBC"]

prices = vbt.YFData.download(symbols=symbols, start=start, end=end, tz_localize=None)
close = prices.get("Close")

# compute strategy
sma = vbt.MA.run(close, 10)
entries = sma.close_crossed_above(sma.ma)
exits = sma.close_crossed_below(sma.ma)

# create portfolio object
pf = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(close, entries, exits)

group_by = ["equity", "equity", "comdty"]

# The following calls should yield the same metrics, such as maximum drawdown etc.  

print(pf.stats(agg_func=None, group_by=group_by).T)  # here, max drawdown (and others) might be incorrect)

                                               equity                     comdty
Start                       2020-12-29 05:00:00+00:00  2020-12-29 05:00:00+00:00
End                         2023-10-30 04:00:00+00:00  2023-10-30 04:00:00+00:00
Period                                            714                        714
Start Value                                     200.0                      100.0
End Value                                  191.556918                 129.202912
Total Return [%]                            -4.221541                  29.202912
Benchmark Return [%]                        14.963537                  70.093006
Max Gross Exposure [%]                          100.0                      100.0
Total Fees Paid                                   0.0                        0.0
Max Drawdown [%]                            25.921027                  22.123985
Max Drawdown Duration                           497.0                      414.0
Total Trades                                      122                         57
Total Closed Trades                               122                         57
Total Open Trades                                   0                          0
Open Trade PnL                                    0.0                        0.0
Win Rate [%]                                 34.42623                  31.578947
Best Trade [%]                              12.433743                  25.701623
Worst Trade [%]                             -5.036392                  -6.314305
Avg Winning Trade [%]                        3.005626                   5.095227
Avg Losing Trade [%]                        -1.618623                   -1.63749
Avg Winning Trade Duration                  13.642857                  15.888889
Avg Losing Trade Duration                      2.9375                   3.081081
Profit Factor                                0.934748                   1.383952
Expectancy                                  -0.069206                   0.440204

print(pf.stats(agg_func=None).groupby(group_by, sort=False).mean().T)  # here, max drawdown seems reasonable

                                               equity                     comdty
Start                       2020-12-29 05:00:00+00:00  2020-12-29 05:00:00+00:00
End                         2023-10-30 04:00:00+00:00  2023-10-30 04:00:00+00:00
Period                                          714.0                      714.0
Start Value                                     100.0                      100.0
End Value                                   95.778459                 129.202912
Total Return [%]                            -4.221541                  29.202912
Benchmark Return [%]                        14.963537                  70.093006
Max Gross Exposure [%]                          100.0                      100.0
Total Fees Paid                                   0.0                        0.0
Max Drawdown [%]                            26.373835                  22.123985
Max Drawdown Duration                           443.0                      414.0
Total Trades                                     61.0                       57.0
Total Closed Trades                              61.0                       57.0
Total Open Trades                                 0.0                        0.0
Open Trade PnL                                    0.0                        0.0
Win Rate [%]                                34.463277                  31.578947
Best Trade [%]                              10.024199                  25.701623
Worst Trade [%]                             -4.533775                  -6.314305
Avg Winning Trade [%]                        3.005626                   5.095227
Avg Losing Trade [%]                        -1.633423                   -1.63749
Avg Winning Trade Duration                  13.642857                  15.888889
Avg Losing Trade Duration                    2.935464                   3.081081
Profit Factor                                0.929021                   1.383952
Expectancy                                  -0.068112                   0.440204

I am focussing on max. drawdowns. If I compute the average max. drawdown based on pf.drawdown().min() for the equity group_by, i.e. avg(SPY,QQQ), I get the same result as compared to calling pf.stats(agg_func=None).groupby(group_by, sort=False).mean().T.


ma_window  symbol
10         SPY      -0.191162
           QQQ      -0.336314
           DBC      -0.221240
dtype: float64

avg_dd_equity = pf.drawdown().min().iloc[:2].mean()
print(f"Avg. Drawdown group 'equity' (SPY and QQQ): {avg_dd_equity}")

Avg. Drawdown group 'equity' (SPY and QQQ): -0.26373835274077756

There's a different max. drawdown when calling pf.stats(agg_func=None, group_by=group_by).T.

Am I missing something? For instance, total return is the same for both calls. Is this a bug?

polakowo commented 7 months ago

Not a bug, you cannot expect the max drawdown of a grouped portfolio (where equities are added together) be the same as the average max drawdown of individual portfolios. If one equity has a max drawdown of 10% and another one has also a 10% max drawdown, and both drawdowns do not overlap in time, then the max drawdown of the combined portfolio would be 5% and not 10%.

andreas-vester commented 7 months ago

Ok, fair point. I probably misunderstood the concept of the input argument group_by in Portfolio.

Are the following statements correct?

andreas-vester commented 6 months ago

@polakowo Short feedback would highly be appreciated. Thanks a lot!