polarby / render

A package to render any native static and moving flutter widgets to exportable formats
MIT License
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Closed polarby closed 1 year ago

polarby commented 1 year ago


With the Render widget you can render and convert wigets into a wide range of exportable file formats. Main features include:

Important: Note that rendering front-end elements is not considered the most efficient and native approach to editing images and videos. Use with own responsabilty.




final _controller   = RenderController();

    controller: _controller,
    duration: Duration(seconds: 5),
    builder: (context, RenderSnapshot snapshot){
       return Container();

await  _controller.render(overwriteFrames: 269, frame: 5);

Tip: full interactive example for usage in ./example folder.

Layered rendering

You might encounter situations where you want to have variations of your widget rendering (eg. one version with round corners & and one without). Instead of rendering your widget multiple times you can use layered rendering, which renderes the widget only ones instead of multiple times and consequently reduces your rendering time and significantly.

Simply wrap a widget within your Render build with RenderLayer:

    visualize: false,
    child: ... 

Properties of Render

Name Type Default Behavior Description
controller PageController? PageController() The controller to manipulate the state of your list. The behavior of list and controller equals the default PageView widget
required itemBuilder Widget Function(BuildContext, int)
required itemCount int
scrollDirection Axis Axis.horizontal
physics ScrollPhysics? AlwaysScrollable()
itemExtent double?
minCacheExtent double?
itemSnapping bool false
addSemanticIndexes bool true
addAutomaticKeepAlives bool true
addRepaintBoundaries bool true
reverse bool false
itemPositionsListener ItemPositionsListener?
onPageChanged void Function(int index, double size)?
onPageChange void Function(double page, double size)?
overscrollPhysics PageOverscrollPhysics? normal PageView scrolling
scrollBehavoir ScrollBehavoir?
visualisation ListVisualisation? ListVisualisation.normal()
allowItemSizes bool false
snapAlignment SnapAlignment SnapAlignment.static(0.5)
snapOnItemAlignment SnapAlignment SnapAlignment.static(0.5)

Properties of RenderLayer

Properties of RenderController

Additional information

Contributions are very welcome and can be merged within hours if testing is successful.