polarity-lang / polarity

A Language with Dependent Data and Codata Types
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Design for implicit parameters #237

Open timsueberkrueb opened 1 month ago

timsueberkrueb commented 1 month ago

Declaration site

foo(x: Q, y: R, implicit z: S, implicit w: T)

Usage site

foo(x, y)
foo(x, y, z := z)
foo(x := 1, y, z:=z)



timsueberkrueb commented 1 month ago


Declaration site

<Telescope> ::= '(' ( <Param> ',' )* ')' | ε
<Param> ::= <ExplicitParam> | <ImplicitParam>
<ExplicitParam> ::= <Var>+ : <Exp>
<ImplicitParam> ::= 'implicit' <Var>+ : <Exp>

Usage site:

<Args> ::= '(' ( <Arg> ',' )* ')' | ε
<Arg> ::= <NamedArg> | <UnnamedArg>
<NamedArg> ::= <Var> `:=` <Exp>
<UnnamedArg> ::= <Exp>

Lowering semantics:

eternaleye commented 1 week ago

So, implicits are something I have a lot of thoughts about; both in terms of their worst pitfalls and how to remedy them. IMO, the worst pitfall of any implicits implementation is when the search implementation can potentially "make the wrong choice" - e.g. if you have an implicit of Monoid Nat and it chooses multiplication rather than addition.

As far as I'm aware, the only reliable way to avoid this is to enforce that the search system must have at most one valid candidate it could find. However, there are many ways of achieving this - and fortunately, there's plenty of room for them to coexist:

Crucially, as long as no two methods that submit an implicit to be searched can submit an overlapping instance that will be found by the same search method (e.g. effect handlers may use a different search method than _), all of these can coexist cleanly.

EDIT: Note that simply erroring out if search is ambiguous is not sufficient; it leaves the codebase fragile to ecosystem changes and refactors. Ensuring that it cannot be ambiguous, "statically", is key.

BinderDavid commented 1 week ago

The name "implicit arguments" might be a bit misleading; we currently do not intend this to involve any kind of instance search. Instead, implicit arguments are replaced by meta-variables during the lowering phase which are then solved by the unification algorithm. We plan for the unification algorithm to support Miller's pattern fragment of higher-order unification which guarantees that it finds the most general unifier, i.e. a unique solution. I think this corresponds to your "subsingleton" option above.

I am definitely thinking about a more powerful instance search mechanism for the future, maybe something like the mechanism described in the cochis paper. But the scope of this proposal is more restricted. We mainly try to replace Cons(Bool, True, Nil(Bool))) by Cons(True, Nil) and f.ap(Nat,Bool,2) by f.ap(2) etc. :wink: