to save memory, it would be good to offer an option to reduce the number of channels recorded by the PPG sensor, e.g. the ambient sensor is not always necessary. Or in some situations it would be sufficient to record only 1 PPG signal instead of all 3.
In the settings (offline and online) you have a field for the number of channels, but currently only 4 channels are accepted, otherwise an error is thrown.
Platform your question concerns:
Hi Polar Team,
to save memory, it would be good to offer an option to reduce the number of channels recorded by the PPG sensor, e.g. the ambient sensor is not always necessary. Or in some situations it would be sufficient to record only 1 PPG signal instead of all 3.
In the settings (offline and online) you have a field for the number of channels, but currently only 4 channels are accepted, otherwise an error is thrown.
Is Polar planning to offer this option?