I'm working on a Unity project that will use the poler sdk in the Meta Quest 3. I created an .aar file from the demo PolarSDK-ECG-HR-Demo and i put it in the Unity folder, then i updated manifest and I created a script to use the sdk function, but i keep receiving the same error "Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException to com.polar.sdk.api.PolarBleApiDefaultImpl" to the class name i put in the script.
My question is what should i put as class name to create an instance of the polar sdk and use its functions? Alse Is it possible to do it in the first place, can i create a file .aar and put in Unity then create a build that can use the polar functions?
Here's my script:
// Unity script
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.Android;
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class PolarManager : MonoBehaviour
public TextMeshProUGUI statusText; // Reference to your UI Text element
public TextMeshProUGUI playerText;
public TextMeshProUGUI activityText;
private AndroidJavaObject polarBleSdk;
private string cacheDirectory;
void Start()
public void StartPermission()
IEnumerator RequestPermissionsCoroutine()
// Request permissions
// Wait until permissions are granted
while (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.FineLocation) ||
!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission("android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT") ||
yield return null;
// Permissions granted, proceed to initialize
public void CallNativePlugin()
// Retrieve the UnityPlayer class.
AndroidJavaClass unityPlayerClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
if (unityPlayerClass == null) return;
UpdateStatus(playerText, "UnityPlayer found.");
// Retrieve the UnityPlayerActivity object ( a.k.a. the current context )
AndroidJavaObject unityActivity = unityPlayerClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
if (unityActivity == null) return;
UpdateStatus(activityText, "Activity ok.");
// Retrieve the PolarBleApiDefaultImpl class from the Polar SDK.
AndroidJavaClass polarBleApiDefaultImpl = new AndroidJavaClass("com.polar.sdk.api.PolarBleApiDefaultImpl");
if (polarBleApiDefaultImpl == null) return;
UpdateStatus(statusText, "polar api default instantiate");
// Initialize the PolarBleApi with desired features, e.g., HR monitoring
int features = (int)PolarBleSdkFeature.FEATURE_HR;
polarBleSdk = polarBleApiDefaultImpl.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("defaultImplementation", unityActivity, features);
UpdateStatus(activityText, "PolarBleApi initialized.");
// Set API callback
void SetApiCallback()
// Create a callback object
AndroidJavaProxy apiCallback = new PolarBleApiCallback(this);
polarBleSdk.Call("setApiCallback", apiCallback);
public void StartScanning()
public void ConnectToDevice(string deviceId)
polarBleSdk.Call("connectToDevice", deviceId);
public void DisconnectFromDevice(string deviceId)
polarBleSdk.Call("disconnectFromDevice", deviceId);
// Callback methods
public void OnDeviceConnected(string identifier)
UpdateStatus(statusText, "Device connected: " + identifier);
public void OnDeviceDisconnected(string identifier)
UpdateStatus(statusText, "Device disconnected: " + identifier);
public void OnHeartRateReceived(string identifier, int heartRate)
UpdateStatus(statusText, "Heart Rate: " + heartRate);
// Use the heart rate data as needed
public void OnDeviceFound(string deviceId, string name)
UpdateStatus(statusText, "Device found: " + name + " (" + deviceId + ")");
// Optionally, automatically connect or display a list to the user
void UpdateStatus(TextMeshProUGUI text, string message)
text.text += message + "\n";
// Enums for features
public enum PolarBleSdkFeature
// AndroidJavaProxy for PolarBleApiCallback
private class PolarBleApiCallback : AndroidJavaProxy
private PolarManager manager;
public PolarBleApiCallback(PolarManager manager) : base("com.polar.polarsdkecghrdemo")
this.manager = manager;
public void deviceConnected(AndroidJavaObject polarDeviceInfo)
string deviceId = polarDeviceInfo.Get<string>("deviceId");
public void deviceDisconnected(AndroidJavaObject polarDeviceInfo)
string deviceId = polarDeviceInfo.Get<string>("deviceId");
public void hrNotificationReceived(string identifier, AndroidJavaObject polarHrData)
int heartRate = polarHrData.Get<int>("hr");
manager.OnHeartRateReceived(identifier, heartRate);
public void deviceFound(AndroidJavaObject polarDeviceInfo)
string deviceId = polarDeviceInfo.Get<string>("deviceId");
string name = polarDeviceInfo.Get<string>("name");
manager.OnDeviceFound(deviceId, name);
Platform your question concerns:
Description: I'm working on a Unity project that will use the poler sdk in the Meta Quest 3. I created an .aar file from the demo PolarSDK-ECG-HR-Demo and i put it in the Unity folder, then i updated manifest and I created a script to use the sdk function, but i keep receiving the same error "Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException to com.polar.sdk.api.PolarBleApiDefaultImpl" to the class name i put in the script.
My question is what should i put as class name to create an instance of the polar sdk and use its functions? Alse Is it possible to do it in the first place, can i create a file .aar and put in Unity then create a build that can use the polar functions?
Here's my script:
// Unity script
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using TMPro; using UnityEngine.Android; using System; using System.Collections;
public class PolarManager : MonoBehaviour { public TextMeshProUGUI statusText; // Reference to your UI Text element public TextMeshProUGUI playerText; public TextMeshProUGUI activityText;