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[Data management and sharing] Update Data Management given new Stanford GDrive limits #33

Open emdupre opened 4 months ago

emdupre commented 4 months ago

Currently, the top bullet on Data Management notes:

However, Stanford is losing it's unlimited free storage on google drive, the limits going forward will be

So, it likely will not make sense to continue this recommendation moving forward except for small research artifacts.

emdupre commented 4 months ago

See "Rates" on https://uit.stanford.edu/service/gsuite/drive

demidenm commented 4 months ago

Closed mine, adding here:

Add the specific details about where data should be house and the rights/ownership, e.g. previous email:

Once a dataset has been installed in the data directory, it should be changed to be read-only for owner and group, using the following commands: find -type d -exec chmod 550 find -type f -exec chmod 440

Include the Open Neuro command interface to upload/download the data (CLI)

Include a derivatives sharing category. For example, adding in the sharing of any group-level/aggregate image maps on NeuroVault that are produced with a project. Would improve meta-analytic efforts.