poliastro / czml3

Python 3 library to write CZML
MIT License
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support for GeoJSON and __geointerface__ #83

Open mhaberler opened 3 years ago

mhaberler commented 3 years ago

I need a geo objects base library under my applications and decided to go for https://pypi.org/project/geojson/

czml3 then would be pretty much an output converter for geojson objects similar to dumps()

I wonder if there is any point in leveraging on the geointerface protocol

my current thinking would be to sublcass geojson objects and add a to_czml() method therein.

Making sense? is there a better approach?

astrojuanlu commented 3 years ago

What packets in particular you think would benefit from geojson integration / higher level APIs? In other words: if we reverse the implementation, and add a from_geojson method to some of the classes, which ones do you think could benefit? I am not sure how the GeoJSON ➡️ CZML would work in the general case.

sanbales commented 1 year ago

Would a python implementation of this answer the mail here? Or just use that library on the js side to read in GeoJSON?