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Orbit.from_body_ephem returns wrong orbit for the Moon #382

Closed astrojuanlu closed 6 years ago

astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

🐞 Problem

The method Orbit.from_body_ephem returns the wrong orbit for bodies not orbiting the Sun, in particular for the Moon:

In [4]: Orbit.from_body_ephem(Moon)
Out[4]: 150821918 x -150822832 km x 23.5 deg orbit around Earth (♁)

This is because from_body_ephem uses get_body_barycentric, which returns ICRS coordinates, but then sets the .parent to the Earth:


🎯 Goal

At least for the bodies included in poliastro.bodies, Orbit.from_body_ephem should always return a correct result.

💡 Possible solutions

Setting the .parent to the Sun in the case of the Moon would be absurd, and give incorrect results for the propagation. Therefore, we have to look for other alternatives:

In the long term, it's clear that we need strong coupling between bodies, Orbit.from_body_ephem, and reference frames (see #257, #109).

📋 Steps to solve the problem

astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

In the long term...

I will provide a short term fix for this next week, after the beta release.

shreyasbapat commented 6 years ago


The velocity cannot be calculated for the Moon. To just get the position, use get_body_barycentric().

Here, it is writter that we can not calculate the velocity of Moon using get_body_barycentric_posvel Now, in that case, we can convert the ICRS to GCRS, but the problem remains the same i.e. What about the velocity. I am researching this further.

astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

The documentation of Astropy is incorrect at that point: it cannot be computed with the builtin ephemeris:

In [1]: from astropy.time import Time

In [2]: from astropy.coordinates import get_body_barycentric_posvel

In [4]: get_body_barycentric_posvel("moon", Time.now())
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-6ace003c92bf> in <module>()
----> 1 get_body_barycentric_posvel("moon", Time.now())

~/.miniconda36/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/coordinates/solar_system.py in get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, time, ephemeris)
    329     """
--> 330     return _get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, time, ephemeris)

~/.miniconda36/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/coordinates/solar_system.py in _get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, time, ephemeris, get_velocity)
    223             if get_velocity:
    224                 raise KeyError("the Moon's velocity cannot be calculated with "
--> 225                                "the '{0}' ephemeris.".format(ephemeris))
    226             return calc_moon(time).cartesian

KeyError: "the Moon's velocity cannot be calculated with the 'builtin' ephemeris."

In [5]: from astropy.coordinates import solar_system_ephemeris

In [7]: solar_system_ephemeris.set("jpl")
Out[7]: <ScienceState solar_system_ephemeris: 'jpl'>

In [8]: get_body_barycentric_posvel("moon", Time.now())
(<CartesianRepresentation (x, y, z) in km
     (61039211.98626414, -1.26609874e+08, -54878422.25654943)>,
 <CartesianRepresentation (x, y, z) in km / d
     (2280846.19963135, 862485.61026938, 381518.78266656)>)
shreyasbapat commented 6 years ago

So, okay, only changing the ICRS to GCRS will work? As the velocity we get it also in the frame of Sun. Converting it to the frame of Earth is probably not a trivial task? Or it is? Just subtracting two vectors?

astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

Yes, changing to ICRS to GCRS is all that's needed. You have examples of how to do that in two notebooks:

shreyasbapat commented 6 years ago

Oh. This is amazing. I will do this!

astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

Fixed in #410.

AKMourato commented 4 years ago

For the last release, porkchops for earth-moon gives the same error: "the Moon's velocity cannot be calculated with the 'builtin' ephemer

I tried to fix by what was said above but the folders in question aren't the same and don't fix.

Any solution? Thx

astrojuanlu commented 4 years ago

Hi @mourasftw! It should be fixed by setting the Astropy ephemerides to the JPL ones. Please open a new issue with more information about the code you're running.