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Evaluate Form Plugins #33

Closed leggomuhgreggo closed 7 years ago

leggomuhgreggo commented 7 years ago


Right now forms are hardcoded and processed through a couple third party APIs (eg google, tinyletter, etc). In the interest to reducing friction to form building for site maintainers, we wanted to explore options for WP form plugins.

Here's a "Top Ten" list of WP form plugins. I've used the first half on the list, but only very superficially. The rest I don't recognize, and also look less polished from the very shallow once over I gave--I suspect they could have kept it top 5, honestly.

If anyone has any experience, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Evaluation Rubric/Reqs

  1. Data Processing - What kind of customizations exist? Reports, action sequence triggers, etc
  2. Cost - I'm 99% sure we can operate at the free tier.
  3. Style Considerations - It'd be cool to leverage Bootstrap form styles, but I'd say feature set is more important. Easy enough to bake form styles.
  4. Front End Inclusion Flexibility - shortcode? widget assignment? etc
  5. Data integration - Is there an easy way to consolidate existing form data, from like a google sheet?

Many thanks!

innovativedmm commented 7 years ago

@Smona @leggomuhgreggo Do you think this is the contact plugin we need? If so, let's go for it.

innovativedmm commented 7 years ago

I'm stoodpid.

Smona commented 7 years ago

I'm going to install ninja forms and you can see if it works for what you want @innovativedmm

Smona commented 7 years ago

Ninja Forms is incorrectly exporting survey data. @innovativedmm do we need to try a different plugin? Didi you contact plugin support?