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Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix on FightCade #121

Open esquiav129 opened 4 years ago

esquiav129 commented 4 years ago

What would motivate you to generate such a port for PC with Online Play? The MUGEN port is already there, its just a matter of implementing it into FightCade's next version. With XBox 360 and PS3 discontinued, we must purchase both an XBox 360 and a PS3 (since due to Capcom sucking at giving it any promo, large tournaments, releasing it in Japan, failing to release it for PC,etc) just to have an online arcade HD Remix where someone will join my match? I'd rather just give Capcom/FightCade all the money. Ideally an official AppImage PC Version (appimage works on everything even windows for Linux and also for Windows) would be ideal as I use Linux, however Capcom can't be expected to not suck and there's already FightCade and Mugen out there. Capcom should still bake a SF2 HD Remix:Balance version for PC with online play and ability to edit every characters' damage stats for every move like make Akuma have less damage on his Fierce or hadoken has higher recovery rate (as we can do with a little programming knowledge in the Mugen version which has no online play) or whatever, so that it is infinitely replayable bc of the template of balancing out the experience being accessible to the masses. Customizing the actual characters for balance would set SF2 from the rest of the gaming industry as a pioneer into a higher level of online play. As if Blanka is underpowered, be able to change the arc range,damage, and recovery time of the dash roll ball, the damage of the electricity, all of that. Should be extremely easy as its just opening up the input for the file that writes the data in game; it should be extremely easy to do.

SF2 Super Turbo HD Remix is the definite SF2 edition, not regular Super Turbo and we can't even enjoy a decent online arcade experience because Capcom refuses to release a cheap PC port version that everyone with a PC would buy as it would be the best selling PC fighting game of all time (I heard HD Remix was one of the best selling XBLA games ever). I'd pay a 10 dollar per year amount to FightCade just for the ability to play HDR Remix Mugen Version online.

I've got the Mugen version and have very limited programming experience. I'd like to help out however I can to make this a reality but I'm not sure of the exact steps to take. There also exists IKEMEN for peer to peer playing Mugen games however I'm afraid no one uses that since it is strictly IP to IP and not a high quality online arcade. FightCade would just need to generate the IKEMEN experience for Mugen on a place where there are players queued up to join a match. If you manage to connect Mugen gamers with IKEMEN, every single MUGEN game would be playable with online via FightCade!! Its in your best interest if you would like to make FightCade all that it can be. There is definitely a very large online Super Turbo fan base that would love to see HD Remix for FightCade; HD Remix is the future of SF2. It is a fighting game experience unrivaled in today's fighting game market even without the Mugen balance aspect. Please consider this huge money cow since I'm pretty sure many would even consider paying or donating for such a project. Newer games lag too much and are unbalanced; HDR is low low ping and went through decades of tournament players who went into the design and new balance changes of HD Remix making it one of the best options for a fun, balanced, widely played hiqh quality online fight game experience that could pull some serious crowds since SuperTurbo is already an ESport.