poliva / fightcadestates

FightCade Savestates
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Savestate Windjammers 99sec #32

Closed Dobodry closed 9 years ago

Dobodry commented 9 years ago

I send you a savestate for windjammers in 99 sec and UK settings for gain time and Steve Miller remplace B.Yoo.



ghost commented 9 years ago

Why UK and not Korea? O_o Anyway i will ask tomorrow to the people. It is not that trust you, Dobodry, but a lot of people play to this game and I want to ask before make any variation on this game configuration :D. The time is a fundamental fact on this game (i know a lot of people that play defensively in order to get an out of time) and change it is a highly sensible thing. Hope you can understand.

BTW If there's no a solid reason I will keep B. Yoo for B. Yoo. This game is from Korea and I think it is a beautiful honor for the creators to keep this character as he was created :D.

Dobodry commented 9 years ago

haha ok, but just for B.yoo and Miller, steve Miller is the real character, it's a running gag from data east you can find him in a lot of data east game.


Steve Miller is credited on windjammers to, and on japanese version, the first version of the game, you can't play B. yoo because it's was added for korean market like a lot of game in this period like Heavy Smash, Power spike or soccer brawl. BTW thanks for you answer I hope most of people who play on fightcade understand this change :)

ghost commented 9 years ago

That's a nice solid reason, I will put Steve Miller :D. ASAP I ask tomorrow to the people i will made a decision and update the savestate.

Dobodry commented 9 years ago

Nice thx man, Have you ask some people for change timer ? I'v ask some players who play seriously and regulary WJ and for the moment all answers is positive to change time :D.

Exosta commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm a regular player (and truly better than Dobodry) on Windjammers too and having this savestate will be a great thing. All our matches are on 99 seconds, whether freeplay or competition, and we have to configure this for every starting challenge, not very useful for sure. And even for casual players, we must explain to them how to go in the bios, configure soft dip, etc. So we are waiting you in the best game's room for confirmation.

And thanks you for keeping this savestates updated.

hanasu commented 9 years ago

What do you have to do to get the settings to save? Upon game reset it's still 30 seconds for me. If you can explain the process I'll make a request with the update ASAP.

hanasu commented 9 years ago

Never mind, it seems to be working now. I'll make the request now.

hanasu commented 9 years ago

Try the state in this repository to make sure everything works okay. https://github.com/hanasu/fightcadestates

Exosta commented 9 years ago

It doesn't seem to work. Dobodry uploaded a savestate which is currently working and yours is not the same. Can you try with his ?

I have no idea what is storing in index.json. This is checksum ?

hanasu commented 9 years ago

Where is the one you say is working? You will need the updated JSON so that the new state will be used if you are trying through Fightcade. If you do not it still tries to load the old one. However you should be able to load the .fs file in GGPOFBA directly.

Exosta commented 9 years ago

On the Dobodry's original post. I don't think it's mandatory to update the JSON for using another savestate : I tried with a player to use the Dobodry's and it worked. Maybe it's just for server to keep all the savestates updated.

hanasu commented 9 years ago

That one seems to work for me, if it has been already tested I will use it.

hanasu commented 9 years ago


Exosta commented 9 years ago

All lazy Windjammers players will be happy, thanks !

ghost commented 9 years ago

Ok, i will make in some minutes a definitive savestate with all the requirements from the community and from FightCade. Stay alert :D.

The savestate published here is terrible wrong in some aspects so i am going to addapt it to the normal FightCade norm.

Exosta commented 9 years ago

Out of curiosity, what is wrong with the Dobodry's savestate ?

ghost commented 9 years ago

All the games at FC have this common configuration :D.

Exosta commented 9 years ago

Ok, I get it. It will be a good idea to have this requirements on the main page of this repository for future pull requests.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Don't worry, i make all the savestates so i can take care on it ;).

hanasu commented 9 years ago

That is a bad attitude to have for future contributors to a project.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hanasu this is not an opinion thread, but i do not want to have a bad attitude at you so here it is my last answer about this theme on this topic: It is not a bad attitude. The requirements are published and anyone can send it via Github (as dobodry and others made).

Please, let's continue with the main theme. Remember that this is not a forum.

Exosta commented 9 years ago

I uploaded the savestate with the requirements posted by 3xcl4m4t10n : https://1fichier.com/?qs8mdze3md With its SHA-256 checksum for index.json : 164285e3c9cabeb1fe27c95cc64fa291c6915be29d27b99d4a7563a95e90ee52 hanasu, can you modify your pull request with this one, please ?

(A little disgression for 3xcl4m4t10n : it's a good thing for open projects to have all the requirements published. Thanks to that, we are not depending on only one person and the project can progress on the best way. So thank you for posting it ands thank you for your past - and future - uploads o/)

(And please, forget my crappy crappy crappy English).

ghost commented 9 years ago

Exotar, thanks for the save state but p0f already have the right one (it's pretty similar to yours ;D).

About the save state non-sense-controversy, do not misunderstand me, I agree with the idea to have the requirements made public, in fact, they are available from the first day. My position is that i actually love the p2p gaming and i am very "delicate" with the save states thing. I do not have anything against the people share the save states but i like to check it before get into a public release :D.

For example, the Exosta savestate is near perfect for me, it only lacks 1 or 2 frames after the beggining of the game.

poliva commented 9 years ago

Fixed, sorry I've been quite busy and it took a while.