This application will be focused on the management of Patients and their Treatments. Only Doctors have access to the app.
User Interface mock-up
[x] Design Login UI.
[x] Design Password Recovery UI.
[x] Design Password Change UI.
[ ] Design CRUD Patients UI.
[ ] Design CRUD Treatments & Medicines UI.
[Latest] (Web App) Medlink UIs mock-up:
Model design (Classes)
[ ] Create all necessary classes:
Login (LoginPage)
First of all, the doctor must introduce their credentials in the login screen. This screen provides the 'password recovery' functionality in case the user forgets their password.
Form UI:
[ ] Implement base login UI.
[ ] Develop login functionalities.
Password Recovery (PasswordRecoveryPage)
Here, doctors can recover their password.
Form UI:
[ ] Implement base password recovery UI.
[ ] Develop password recovery functionalities.
Password Change (PasswordChangePage)
Here, doctors can change their password.
Form UI:
[ ] Implement base password change UI.
[ ] Develop password change functionalities.
CRUD Patients (PatientPage)
The doctor can View, Add, Update and Delete patients.
Form UI:
[ ] Implement base form UI for patients management.
[ ] View list of patients.
[ ] Add new patient.
[ ] Update existing patient.
[ ] Delete existing patient.
CRUD Treatments of selected Patient (TreatmentPage)
The doctor can View, Add, Update and Delete treatments for each Patient.
Form UI:
[ ] Implement base form UI for treatment management.
This application will be focused on the management of Patients and their Treatments. Only Doctors have access to the app.
User Interface mock-up
Model design (Classes)
Login (LoginPage)
First of all, the doctor must introduce their credentials in the login screen. This screen provides the 'password recovery' functionality in case the user forgets their password.
Form UI:
Password Recovery (PasswordRecoveryPage)
Here, doctors can recover their password.
Form UI:
Password Change (PasswordChangePage)
Here, doctors can change their password.
Form UI:
CRUD Patients (PatientPage)
The doctor can View, Add, Update and Delete patients.
Form UI:
CRUD Treatments of selected Patient (TreatmentPage)
The doctor can View, Add, Update and Delete treatments for each Patient.
Form UI: