Our team is providing frontier with parallel EVM features, and when we tested the ERC20 contract, Digest item must match that calculated error occurred, The following are the execution logs of sequential EVM and parallel EVM
There are parts of the data that are not identical, 15, 17, 18, 2, 174, 16, 130, 123, 24, 102, 179, 20, 221, 107, 186, 142, 232, 130, 52, 239, 150, 1, 251, 10, 149, 47, 138, 134, 179, 194, 77, 239 and we want to know what is causing this problem
Our team is providing frontier with parallel EVM features, and when we tested the ERC20 contract,
Digest item must match that calculated
error occurred, The following are the execution logs of sequential EVM and parallel EVMsequential EVM
parallel EVM
We found that digest logs executed sequentially and in parallel were different
[DigestItem::Consensus([102, 114, 111, 110], [1, 38, 84, 80, 44, 104, 212, 83, 50, 198, 86, 197, 136, 83, 41, 185, 168, 27, 59, 171, 154, 252, 244, 183, 79, 221, 35, 35, 138, 113, 243, 222, 199, 8, 146, 91, 225, 103, 248, 29, 121, 39, 43, 62, 205, 102, 204, 148, 196, 182, 85, 7, 153, 17, 18, 91, 30, 211, 29, 129, 190, 181, 36, 79, 25, 190, 125, 150, 190, 77, 63, 15, 136, 9, 224, 41, 116, 23, 130, 252, 49, 90, 171, 47, 222, 210, 12, 232, 117, 30, 67, 70, 53, 92, 182, 140, 222, 138])]
[DigestItem::Consensus([102, 114, 111, 110], [1, 15, 17, 18, 2, 174, 16, 130, 123, 24, 102, 179, 20, 221, 107, 186, 142, 232, 130, 52, 239, 150, 1, 251, 10, 149, 47, 138, 134, 179, 194, 77, 239, 8, 146, 91, 225, 103, 248, 29, 121, 39, 43, 62, 205, 102, 204, 148, 196, 182, 85, 7, 153, 17, 18, 91, 30, 211, 29, 129, 190, 181, 36, 79, 25, 190, 125, 150, 190, 77, 63, 15, 136, 9, 224, 41, 116, 23, 130, 252, 49, 90, 171, 47, 222, 210, 12, 232, 117, 30, 67, 70, 53, 92, 182, 140, 222, 138])]
There are parts of the data that are not identical,
15, 17, 18, 2, 174, 16, 130, 123, 24, 102, 179, 20, 221, 107, 186, 142, 232, 130, 52, 239, 150, 1, 251, 10, 149, 47, 138, 134, 179, 194, 77, 239
and we want to know what is causing this problem