Java APIs around Polkadot and any Substrate-based chain RPC calls. It is dynamically generated based on what the Substrate runtime provides in terms of metadata.Full documentation & examples available.
The following gradle enhancements would allow to populate the library into the central Maven repository and enable it for easy consumption by developers.
I did a test run using a clone and successfully deployed a "0.1" version, which is representing the actual 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT version under my group name net.cloudburo. It can be found under:
I could now start, writing a simple hello world project, referencing the library, refer to gradle, which is now straightforward Github clb-polkadot-java-hello-world.
It would beneficial if that global maven repository would hold a "official" version of this project.
In order to enable that, this project would have to ensure the following pre-requisite, as outlined in the Sonatype OSSRH Guide
Create a user account with Sonatype (which gets you an ossrhUsername and ossrhPassword)
Decide for a valid group name, i.e. io.github.polkad-java
Have a valid PGP key in order to sign the delpoyed jar
Additional some descriptions and variables in the gradle would have to be adjusted (refer to the FIXME in the gradle).
With that the library could be deployed officially and I could remove my cloned one.
The following gradle enhancements would allow to populate the library into the central Maven repository and enable it for easy consumption by developers. I did a test run using a clone and successfully deployed a "0.1" version, which is representing the actual 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT version under my group name
. It can be found under: I could now start, writing a simple hello world project, referencing the library, refer to gradle, which is now straightforward Github clb-polkadot-java-hello-world. It would beneficial if that global maven repository would hold a "official" version of this project. In order to enable that, this project would have to ensure the following pre-requisite, as outlined in the Sonatype OSSRH GuideossrhUsername
Additional some descriptions and variables in the gradle would have to be adjusted (refer to the FIXME in the gradle).
With that the library could be deployed officially and I could remove my cloned one.