polkadot-js / api

Promise and RxJS APIs around Polkadot and Substrate based chains via RPC calls. It is dynamically generated based on what the Substrate runtime provides in terms of metadata.
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Edgeware old blocks sync Error #5732

Closed Bharathcoorg closed 11 months ago

Bharathcoorg commented 11 months ago

VEC: Unable to decode on index 1 createType(Extr insicV4):: createType(ExtrinsicSignatureV4):: decodeU8aStruct: failed at 0x2601f 23fe3dfeed6a43b72a1888ad712… on signature (index 2/5): {"_enum":{"Ed25519":"Ed25 519Signature","Sr25519":"Sr25519Signature","Ecdsa":"EcdsaSignature"}}:: Unable t o create Enum via index 38, in Ed25519, Sr25519, Ecdsa 2023-10-01 15:02:01 RPC-CORE: getBlock(hash?: BlockHash): SignedBlock:: c reateType(SignedBlock):: Struct: failed on block: {"header":"Header","extrinsics ":"Vec"}:: Struct: failed on extrinsics: Vec:: createType( ExtrinsicV4):: createType(ExtrinsicSignatureV4):: decodeU8aStruct: failed at 0x2 601f23fe3dfeed6a43b72a1888ad712… on signature (index 2/5): {"_enum":{"Ed25519":" Ed25519Signature","Sr25519":"Sr25519Signature","Ecdsa":"EcdsaSignature"}}:: Unab le to create Enum via index 38, in Ed25519, Sr25519, Ecdsa

I am getting this error, I am new to substrate i checked old edgeware node types. I skipped some blocks giving errors but i cant skip it anymore after 3.1m blocks. https://github.com/hicommonwealth/edgeware-node-types/tree/master/src/spec Here is the types generated

const edgeware = { "alias": { "voting": { "Tally": "VotingTally" } }, "types": [ { "minmax": [ 0, 31 ], "types": { "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "Balance2": "u128", "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "voting::VoteType": "VoteType", "voting::TallyType": "TallyType", "voting::Tally": "VotingTally", "Keys": "SessionKeys4", "StakingLedger": "StakingLedgerTo240", "Votes": "VotesTo230", "ReferendumInfo": "ReferendumInfoTo239", "Weight": "u32", "DispatchInfo": "DispatchInfoTo244", "OpenTip": "OpenTipTo225", "ContractExecResult": "ContractExecResultTo255", "CompactAssignments": "CompactAssignmentsTo257", "RewardDestination": "RewardDestinationTo257", "RefCount": "RefCountTo259", "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithRefCount", "Address": "AccountId", "LookupSource": "AccountId" } }, { "minmax": [ 32, 38 ], "types": { "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "Balance2": "u128", "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "voting::VoteType": "VoteType", "voting::TallyType": "TallyType", "voting::Tally": "VotingTally", "CompactAssignments": "CompactAssignmentsTo257", "ContractExecResult": "ContractExecResultTo255", "RewardDestination": "RewardDestinationTo257", "RefCount": "u32", "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithRefCount", "Address": "AccountId", "LookupSource": "AccountId" } }, { "minmax": [ 39, 41 ], "types": { "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "Balance2": "u128", "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "voting::VoteType": "VoteType", "voting::TallyType": "TallyType", "voting::Tally": "VotingTally", "RefCount": "u32", "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithRefCount", "Address": "AccountId", "LookupSource": "AccountId" } }, { "minmax": [ 42, 46 ], "types": { "Balance2": "u128", "ChainId": "u8", "DepositNonce": "u64", "ResourceId": "[u8; 32]", "ProposalStatus": { "_enum": [ "Initiated", "Approved", "Rejected" ] }, "ProposalVotes": { "votes_for": "Vec", "votes_against": "Vec", "staus": "ProposalStatus", "expiry": "BlockNumber" }, "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithRefCount", "Address": "MultiAddress", "LookupSource": "MultiAddress" } }, { "minmax": [ 47, null ], "types": { "Balance2": "u128", "DepositNonce": "u64", "ResourceId": "[u8; 32]", "ProposalStatus": { "_enum": [ "Initiated", "Approved", "Rejected" ] }, "ProposalVotes": { "votes_for": "Vec", "votes_against": "Vec", "staus": "ProposalStatus", "expiry": "BlockNumber" }, "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "CID": "Vec", "Properties": { "_set": { "Transferable": 1, "Burnable": 2 } }, "ClassData": { "deposit": "Balance", "properties": "Properties" }, "TokenData": { "deposit": "Balance" }, "ClassInfo": { "metadata": "Vec", "total_issuance": "TokenId", "owner": "AccountId", "data": "ClassData" }, "ClassInfoOf": "ClassInfo", "TokenInfo": { "metadata": "Vec", "owner": "AccountId", "data": "TokenData" }, "TokenInfoOf": "TokenInfo", "TokenId": "u64", "ClassIdOf": "ClassId", "TokenIdOf": "TokenId", "Amount": "i128", "AmountOf": "Amount", "Approval": { "amount": "Balance", "deposit": "Balance" }, "ApprovalKey": { "owner": "AccountId", "delegate": "AccountId" }, "Commitment": "ScalarData", "CurrencyId": "u64", "CurrencyIdOf": "CurrencyId", "DustHandlerType": { "_enum": { "Burn": "Null", "Transfer": "AccountId" } }, "HashFunction": { "_enum": [ "PoseidonDefault", "PoseidonExp3", "PoseidonExp5", "PoseidonExp17", "MiMC", "Blake2", "Sha256" ] }, "Manager": { "accountId": "AccountId", "required": "bool" }, "MerkleTree": { "leaf_count": "u32", "max_leaves": "u32", "depth": "u8", "root_hash": "ScalarData", "edge_nodes": "Vec", "hasher": "HashFunction", "should_store_leaves": "bool" }, "MixerInfo": { "minimum_deposit_length_for_reward": "BlockNumber", "fixed_deposit_size": "Balance", "currency_id": "CurrencyIdOf" }, "Nullifier": "ScalarData", "ScalarData": "[u8; 32]", "TokenDetails": { "owner": "AccountId", "issuer": "AccountId", "admin": "AccountId", "freezer": "AccountId", "supply": "Balance", "deposit": "Balance", "min_balance": "Balance", "approvals": "u32", "is_frozen": "bool", "dust_type": "DustHandlerType" }, "TokenMetadata": { "deposit": "Balance", "name": "Vec", "symbol": "Vec", "decimals": "u8", "is_frozen": "bool" }, "TreeId": "u32", "WithdrawProof": { "mixer_id": "TreeId", "cached_block": "BlockNumber", "cached_root": "ScalarData", "comms": "Vec", "nullifier_hash": "ScalarData", "proof_bytes": "Vec", "leaf_index_commitments": "Vec", "proof_commitments": "Vec", "recipient": "Option", "relayer": "Option" }, "ETHBlock": { "inner": "Block" }, "ETHReceipts": { "inner": "Vec" }, "ETHTxStatuses": { "inner": "Vec" }, "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithTripleRefCount", "Address": "MultiAddress", "LookupSource": "MultiAddress" } } ] }

const edgewareOptions = { typesBundle: { spec: { edgeware } } }

module.exports = edgewareOptions;

Whats wrong here?

Bharathcoorg commented 11 months ago

I solved the first issue with "Address": "AccountId", "LookupSource": "AccountId"

Bharathcoorg commented 11 months ago

Now RPC-CORE: getBlock(hash?: BlockHash): SignedBlock:: c reateType(SignedBlock):: Struct: failed on block: {"header":"Header","extrinsics ":"Vec"}:: Struct: failed on extrinsics: Vec:: createType( ExtrinsicV4):: createType(Call):: Call: failed decoding staking.bond:: Struct: f ailed on args: _a:: decodeU8aStruct: failed at 0x00… on payee (index 3/3):: DoNo tConstruct: Cannot construct unknown type RewardDestinationTo257

Bharathcoorg commented 11 months ago

Solved Previous issues

Now this one RPC-CORE: getStorage(key: StorageKey, at?: BlockHash) : StorageData:: Unable to decode storage system.events:: createType(Vec<EventRec ord>):: decodeU8aVec: failed at 0x00000a066ca233d9b858c90200000000… (index 4/6): {"phase":"Phase","event":"Event","topics":"Vec"}:: decodeU8aStruct: faile d at 0xa233d9b858c902000000000000000000… on event (index 2/3): {"index":"EventId ","data":"Null"}:: findMetaEvent: Unable to find Event with index [162, 51]/[162 ,51]

Bharathcoorg commented 11 months ago

Updated Types

const edgeware = { "alias": { "voting": { "Tally": "VotingTally" } }, "types": [ { "minmax": [ 0, 31 ], "types": { "RewardDestinationTo257": { "_enum": ["Staked", "Stashed", "Controller"] }, "ValidatorPrefs": { "commission": "Compact" }, "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "Balance2": "u128", "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "voting::VoteType": "VoteType", "voting::TallyType": "TallyType", "voting::Tally": "VotingTally", "Keys": "SessionKeys4", "StakingLedger": "StakingLedgerTo240", "Votes": "VotesTo230", "ReferendumInfo": "ReferendumInfoTo239", "Weight": "u32", "DispatchInfo": "DispatchInfoTo244", "OpenTip": "OpenTipTo225", "ContractExecResult": "ContractExecResultTo255", "CompactAssignments": "CompactAssignmentsTo257", "RewardDestination": "RewardDestinationTo257", "RefCount": "RefCountTo259", "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithRefCount", "Address": "IndicesLookupSource", "LookupSource": "IndicesLookupSource", "Signature": "[u8; 60]" } }, { "minmax": [ 32, 38 ], "types": { "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "Balance2": "u128", "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "voting::VoteType": "VoteType", "voting::TallyType": "TallyType", "voting::Tally": "VotingTally", "CompactAssignments": "CompactAssignmentsTo257", "ContractExecResult": "ContractExecResultTo255", "RewardDestination": "RewardDestinationTo257", "RefCount": "u32", "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithRefCount", "Address": "IndicesLookupSource", "LookupSource": "IndicesLookupSource" } }, { "minmax": [ 39, 41 ], "types": { "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "Balance2": "u128", "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "voting::VoteType": "VoteType", "voting::TallyType": "TallyType", "voting::Tally": "VotingTally", "RefCount": "u32", "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithRefCount", "Address": "IndicesLookupSource", "LookupSource": "IndicesLookupSource" } }, { "minmax": [ 42, 46 ], "types": { "Balance2": "u128", "ChainId": "u8", "DepositNonce": "u64", "ResourceId": "[u8; 32]", "ProposalStatus": { "_enum": [ "Initiated", "Approved", "Rejected" ] }, "ProposalVotes": { "votes_for": "Vec", "votes_against": "Vec", "staus": "ProposalStatus", "expiry": "BlockNumber" }, "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithRefCount", "Address": "MultiAddress", "LookupSource": "MultiAddress" } }, { "minmax": [ 47, null ], "types": { "Balance2": "u128", "DepositNonce": "u64", "ResourceId": "[u8; 32]", "ProposalStatus": { "_enum": [ "Initiated", "Approved", "Rejected" ] }, "ProposalVotes": { "votes_for": "Vec", "votes_against": "Vec", "staus": "ProposalStatus", "expiry": "BlockNumber" }, "VoteStage": { "_enum": [ "PreVoting", "Commit", "Voting", "Completed" ] }, "VoteType": { "_enum": [ "Binary", "MultiOption", "RankedChoice" ] }, "TallyType": { "_enum": [ "OnePerson", "OneCoin" ] }, "VoteOutcome": "[u8; 32]", "VotingTally": "Option<Vec<(VoteOutcome, u128)>>", "VoteData": { "initiator": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "vote_type": "VoteType", "tally_type": "TallyType", "is_commit_reveal": "bool" }, "Commitments": "Vec<(AccountId, VoteOutcome)>", "Reveals": "Vec<(AccountId, Vec)>", "VoteRecord": { "id": "u64", "commitments": "Commitments", "reveals": "Reveals", "data": "VoteData", "outcomes": "Vec" }, "ProposalRecord": { "index": "u32", "author": "AccountId", "stage": "VoteStage", "transition_time": "u32", "title": "Text", "contents": "Text", "vote_id": "u64" }, "ProposalContents": "Bytes", "ProposalTitle": "Bytes", "CID": "Vec", "Properties": { "_set": { "Transferable": 1, "Burnable": 2 } }, "ClassData": { "deposit": "Balance", "properties": "Properties" }, "TokenData": { "deposit": "Balance" }, "ClassInfo": { "metadata": "Vec", "total_issuance": "TokenId", "owner": "AccountId", "data": "ClassData" }, "ClassInfoOf": "ClassInfo", "TokenInfo": { "metadata": "Vec", "owner": "AccountId", "data": "TokenData" }, "TokenInfoOf": "TokenInfo", "TokenId": "u64", "ClassIdOf": "ClassId", "TokenIdOf": "TokenId", "Amount": "i128", "AmountOf": "Amount", "Approval": { "amount": "Balance", "deposit": "Balance" }, "ApprovalKey": { "owner": "AccountId", "delegate": "AccountId" }, "Commitment": "ScalarData", "CurrencyId": "u64", "CurrencyIdOf": "CurrencyId", "DustHandlerType": { "_enum": { "Burn": "Null", "Transfer": "AccountId" } }, "HashFunction": { "_enum": [ "PoseidonDefault", "PoseidonExp3", "PoseidonExp5", "PoseidonExp17", "MiMC", "Blake2", "Sha256" ] }, "Manager": { "accountId": "AccountId", "required": "bool" }, "MerkleTree": { "leaf_count": "u32", "max_leaves": "u32", "depth": "u8", "root_hash": "ScalarData", "edge_nodes": "Vec", "hasher": "HashFunction", "should_store_leaves": "bool" }, "MixerInfo": { "minimum_deposit_length_for_reward": "BlockNumber", "fixed_deposit_size": "Balance", "currency_id": "CurrencyIdOf" }, "Nullifier": "ScalarData", "ScalarData": "[u8; 32]", "TokenDetails": { "owner": "AccountId", "issuer": "AccountId", "admin": "AccountId", "freezer": "AccountId", "supply": "Balance", "deposit": "Balance", "min_balance": "Balance", "approvals": "u32", "is_frozen": "bool", "dust_type": "DustHandlerType" }, "TokenMetadata": { "deposit": "Balance", "name": "Vec", "symbol": "Vec", "decimals": "u8", "is_frozen": "bool" }, "TreeId": "u32", "WithdrawProof": { "mixer_id": "TreeId", "cached_block": "BlockNumber", "cached_root": "ScalarData", "comms": "Vec", "nullifier_hash": "ScalarData", "proof_bytes": "Vec", "leaf_index_commitments": "Vec", "proof_commitments": "Vec", "recipient": "Option", "relayer": "Option" }, "ETHBlock": { "inner": "Block" }, "ETHReceipts": { "inner": "Vec" }, "ETHTxStatuses": { "inner": "Vec" }, "AccountInfo": "AccountInfoWithTripleRefCount", "Address": "MultiAddress", "LookupSource": "MultiAddress" } } ] }

const edgewareOptions = { typesBundle: { spec: { edgeware } } }

module.exports = edgewareOptions;

jacogr commented 11 months ago

To sync old blocks, you need to have the types for the specific runtime versions. (These are not managed by the polkadot-js team, i.e. me - I only look after the historic Kusama & Polkadot types)

Bharathcoorg commented 11 months ago

I fixed some errors. I think it's better to contact old developers.

polkadot-js-bot commented 11 months ago

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue if you think you have a related problem or query.