polkadot-js / api

Promise and RxJS APIs around Polkadot and Substrate based chains via RPC calls. It is dynamically generated based on what the Substrate runtime provides in terms of metadata.
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Polkadot xcm type cannot be parsed (Bifrost chain) #5887

Open hqwangningbo opened 1 month ago

hqwangningbo commented 1 month ago
    const wsProvider = new WsProvider("wss://hk.p.bifrost-rpc.liebi.com/ws");
    const parachain_api =  await ApiPromise.create({ provider: wsProvider });

    const result = await parachain_api.query.polkadotXcm.queries(0);
    console.log(result.toString()) // {"versionNotifier":{"origin":{"v2":{"parents":1,"interior":{"here":null}}},"isActive":true}}
    const result1 = await parachain_api.query.polkadotXcm.queries(1);
    // error: Error: Unable to decode storage polkadotXcm.queries

full logs: Error: Unable to decode storage polkadotXcm.queries: entry 0:: createType(PalletXcmQueryStatus):: {"_enum":{"Pending":"{\"responder\":\"XcmVersionedMultiLocation\",\"maybeMatchQuerier\":\"Option\",\"maybeNotify\":\"Option<(u8,u8)>\",\"timeout\":\"u32\"}","VersionNotifier":"{\"origin\":\"XcmVersionedMultiLocation\",\"isActive\":\"bool\"}","Ready":"{\"response\":\"XcmVersionedResponse\",\"at\":\"u32\"}"}}:: Decoded input doesn't match input, received 0x0001010000e0d80900 (9 bytes), created 0x000101000001d80900000000 (12 bytes)

TarikGul commented 1 month ago

Looks to be an issue with the provided types. Is PalletXcmQueryStatus a Bifrost speciifc type?

Was this working before then there was some sort of update with bifrost?

hqwangningbo commented 1 month ago

Since polkadotXcm is maintained by the polkadot sdk, I didn't pay attention to it, but just stumbled upon this problem

TarikGul commented 1 month ago

Thanks, I'll have a look into this and see if It can be resolved today!