polkadot-js / extension

Simple browser extension for managing Polkadot and Substrate network accounts in a browser. Allows the signing of extrinsics using these accounts. Also provides a simple interface for compliant extensions for dapps.
Apache License 2.0
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Using Polkadot JS extension from another extension #912

Open LaurentTrk opened 2 years ago

LaurentTrk commented 2 years ago

Nota : this is a duplicate of the closed #849 issue, as I missed the closing notification emails :(. Very sorry for the extra work, feel free to reopen the first issue or continue in this one.

Hi guys,

At this time, it is not possible to use the Polkadot JS extension from another extension, the content scripts needed from the Polkadot JS extension are not injected in the other extension.

One solution could be the use of the Chrome Cross Extension messaging feature, which allow one extension to exchange messages with another.

For my own needs, I started working on this. You will find the related code (work in progresss) in the following repositories:

Do you guys think it make sense to implement this feature in the Polkadot JS official extension ? Please let me know if you want to discuss this further :) Thanks for your help.

LaurentTrk commented 2 years ago

I can prepare a PR for that feature for the beginning of the next week. @jacogr just let me know if it's ok for you.

polkadot-js-bot commented 2 years ago

This issue has been open for 21 days with no activity and is not labelled as an enhancement. It will be closed in 7 days.

LaurentTrk commented 2 years ago

Happy new year ! :tada: The PR #935 is ready for review :rocket:

polkadot-js-bot commented 2 years ago

This issue has been open for 21 days with no activity and is not labelled as an enhancement. It will be closed in 7 days.