polkascan / polkascan-pre-harvester

Polkascan PRE Harvester
GNU General Public License v3.0
26 stars 34 forks source link

Accounts are not indexed to DB #17

Open alexqrid opened 3 years ago

alexqrid commented 3 years ago

Tried to run harvester both in docker and outside docker but the harvester didn't index accounts. How can I fix it? @arjanz

arjanz commented 3 years ago

Could you provide some more context, like which chain, docker-compose environment, error logs etc?

alexqrid commented 3 years ago

I tried both chain: kusama using docker-compose defined below:

docker-compose ```YAML version: '3.2' services: harvester-api: build: . image: &app polkascan-harvester ports: - '8000:8000' volumes: - '.:/usr/src/app' command: ./start.sh environment: &env - CELERY_BROKER=redis://redis:6379/0 - CELERY_BACKEND=redis://redis:6379/0 - PYTHONPATH=/usr/src/app - ENVIRONMENT=dev depends_on: - redis - mysql - substrate-node harvester-worker: build: . image: *app volumes: - '.:/usr/src/app' command: celery -A app.tasks worker --loglevel=INFO environment: *env depends_on: - redis - mysql harvester-beat: build: . image: *app volumes: - '.:/usr/src/app' command: celery -A app.tasks beat --loglevel=INFO --schedule="data/celerybeat-schedule" --pidfile="data/celerybeat.pid" environment: *env depends_on: - redis harvester-monitor: build: . image: *app ports: - '5555:5555' command: flower -A app.tasks --port=5555 --broker=redis://redis:6379/0 depends_on: - redis redis: image: redis:3.2.11 mysql: image: mysql:latest volumes: - './data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql' ports: - '33061:3306' environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=polkascan substrate-node: image: polkasource/substrate-client:polkadot-latest ports: - '30333:30333' - '9933:9933' - '9944:9944' command: --rpc-port 9933 --rpc-external --pruning=archive --rpc-cors all --chain=polkadot ```

I have changed the image of the substrate-node as the image defined in docker-compose.yml in the repo doesn't exist anymore (polkasource/substrate-alexander:latest) and it couldn't be retrieved from dockerhub. As you can see I also started the node in the archive mode.

Indexer database state for the kusama chain ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30272185/110597154-3c7d0780-8191-11eb-9092-2a6a1aceeaa5.png)
Logs of containters ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30272185/110597414-941b7300-8191-11eb-8830-2929779810ba.png)

For the chain polkadot I tried to run indexer outside of the docker, i.e., I installed all dependency on the server and changed appropriate network configs of the app (ip address of the mysql,redis, polkadot node). After successfully indexing a few blocks the indexer started to complain about missing block number 775.

Logs from polkadot indexer ```sh [2021-03-10 08:05:14,951: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-4] Task app.tasks.accumulate_block_recursive[308f7dd5-085c-451f-8c22-d3b757f5ea48] succeeded in 0.059940158389508724s: {'result': '0 blocks added', 'lastAddedBlockHash': '0xb5f2894a2f5f309e2436d208186841cfbdb7fd7876c4a8c42c118cb753323e7c', 'sequencerStartedFrom': False} [2021-03-10 08:05:15,199: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] Task app.tasks.start_sequencer[e878e1bf-2ef8-4abc-b460-61a1bc283718] succeeded in 0.3258209628984332s: {'result': 'Block #775 is missing.. stopping check '} [2021-03-10 08:05:24,827: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: app.tasks.start_harvester[75e025ac-6e29-4acc-98db-359d3c9704c9] [2021-03-10 08:05:24,871: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: app.tasks.start_sequencer[729cf19b-b90a-4737-ac5e-0143800e9b78] [2021-03-10 08:05:24,881: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-6] Task app.tasks.start_harvester[75e025ac-6e29-4acc-98db-359d3c9704c9] succeeded in 0.05178449023514986s: {'result': 'Harvester job started', 'block_sets': [{'start_block_hash': '0xb5f2894a2f5f309e2436d208186841cfbdb7fd7876c4a8c42c118cb753323e7c', 'end_block_hash': None}], 'sequencer_task_id': '729cf19b-b90a-4737-ac5e-0143800e9b78'} [2021-03-10 08:05:24,881: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: app.tasks.accumulate_block_recursive[c6d1674a-bc02-4e59-93de-c58d7f438158] [2021-03-10 08:05:24,952: WARNING/ForkPoolWorker-2] . Skipped 0xb5f2894a2f5f309e2436d208186841cfbdb7fd7876c4a8c42c118cb753323e7c [2021-03-10 08:05:24,954: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] Task app.tasks.accumulate_block_recursive[c6d1674a-bc02-4e59-93de-c58d7f438158] succeeded in 0.06298000365495682s: {'result': '0 blocks added', 'lastAddedBlockHash': '0xb5f2894a2f5f309e2436d208186841cfbdb7fd7876c4a8c42c118cb753323e7c', 'sequencerStartedFrom': False} [2021-03-10 08:05:25,336: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-8] Task app.tasks.start_sequencer[729cf19b-b90a-4737-ac5e-0143800e9b78] succeeded in 0.46332085970789194s: {'result': 'Block #775 is missing.. stopping check '} [2021-03-10 08:05:34,828: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: app.tasks.start_harvester[f4cfe305-868c-4000-aea9-f8bb0f60cf24] [2021-03-10 08:05:34,866: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: app.tasks.start_sequencer[f75bb887-eb51-44e5-b725-57506452841f] [2021-03-10 08:05:34,872: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: app.tasks.accumulate_block_recursive[f59b16f5-c31e-4848-b3d2-d1f2b36bd1e1] [2021-03-10 08:05:34,872: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-4] Task app.tasks.start_harvester[f4cfe305-868c-4000-aea9-f8bb0f60cf24] succeeded in 0.04259246960282326s: {'result': 'Harvester job started', 'block_sets': [{'start_block_hash': '0xb5f2894a2f5f309e2436d208186841cfbdb7fd7876c4a8c42c118cb753323e7c', 'end_block_hash': None}], 'sequencer_task_id': 'f75bb887-eb51-44e5-b725-57506452841f'} ```
Database state of the polkadot chain ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30272185/110596900-f162f480-8190-11eb-9e83-937a5b423d88.png)

However the main problem is that the blocks, extrinsics, etc. are indexed but accounts are not. As a result running explorer-api can not response on any account info query.

alexqrid commented 3 years ago

@arjanz any suggestions?

boreyapp commented 3 years ago

@alexqrid do you found the solution yet? I meet similar problem like you too. Hope you can seed me some light...

alexqrid commented 3 years ago

@boreyapp Unfortunately I could not and tried subscan but also have had some problems with it. Anyway subscan is better than polkascan, IMHO.