Currently, the register feature is available only if you type /en/register or /pl/register. We need a navigation link to this screen. We need a button that looks the same as in the following image:
After clicking this button user will go based on the current lang to /pl/register or /en/register.
Definition of done
The button is displayed on the left side of the current Sign-in button.
The space right is 250 (check spacing in the design system).
The button has title - "Register"
The button has exactly the same style as the "Sign In" button.
The button is visible only if a user is not signed in.
Currently, the register feature is available only if you type /en/register or /pl/register. We need a navigation link to this screen. We need a button that looks the same as in the following image:
After clicking this button user will go based on the current lang to /pl/register or /en/register.
Definition of done