polybar / polybar-scripts

This is a community project. We write and collect scripts for polybar!
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systemd dependency #349

Closed RaZ0rr-Two closed 2 years ago

RaZ0rr-Two commented 2 years ago

This script doesn't run on MX Linux which has SysVinit by default. So, maybe add systemd as a dependency?

x70b1 commented 2 years ago

Which script do you mean?

RaZ0rr-Two commented 2 years ago

Oh, sorry for lack of clarification. I meant this script

Script: system-bluetooth-bluetoothctl

x70b1 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, we use systemds systemctl there. It is ​widely used and well known. On the other side its just a script. Change it if not meet your requirements.