polybar / polybar-scripts

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player-mpris-tail doesn't show any icon #439

Closed niels0n closed 10 months ago

niels0n commented 10 months ago

Hey there, thanks for this awesome script. As the title says, it doesn't show any icon. In my polybar config I have

exec = ~/.config/polybar/scripts/player-mpris-tail.py -f '{icon} {:artist:t25:{artist}:}{:artist: - :}{:t25:{title}:}'

everything works fine except for the icons. Maybe I have to install a specific set of icons? I'm on Arch, BTW.

x70b1 commented 10 months ago

You have to configure icon fonts.

There is a section in the polybar wiki: polybar/polybar/wiki/Fonts

niels0n commented 10 months ago

I already have

font-1 = "Symbols Nerd Font Mono:size=26"

in config.ini. Isn't that what you mean?

x70b1 commented 10 months ago

What happens if you run that command in a terminal? Can you see the icons there? You can also define own icons.

niels0n commented 10 months ago

Yes, in a terminal I can see the icons correctly

niels0n commented 10 months ago


...well, sort of


x70b1 commented 10 months ago

The terminal an polybar use an icon that is availiable. If you have a better icon in you icon font you can set it manually.

niels0n commented 10 months ago

okay. but can you help me to find out why I can't see any icon if I launch it from polybar?

x70b1 commented 10 months ago

Use gucharmap as on the wiki pages described to play around. You can also copy and paste from there.

niels0n commented 10 months ago

thank you!