polybiusproxy / hxCodec

Haxe library for native video playback on HaxeFlixel and OpenFL.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Game Crashes Before Cutscene Plays #26

Closed Behnja closed 2 years ago

Behnja commented 3 years ago

I already made an issue on this, but it has been closed because it supposedly got fixed. I've updated my files, followed the instructions step by step, but still, this issue occurs. Trust me I've tried again and again, read the instructions so many times I've lost count, but still, I don't get the good results. So, I'm left with no other choice but to write this issue again. I added a ton of new information, so hope that helps.

Let me go over this again. I got a couple of cutscenes for my mod, so I followed the steps listed in README.md and coded them in. Alright, so everything should run ok now. I select my week, the first cutscene plays, I'm thrown into the first song, after it ends I watch the second cutscene and then play the second song, after the song ends the third cutscene pla- you get the point. And well, here's a video showing off what happened:


Now, I tried to fix this by removing the 'if statement' since I thought I probably wrote it incorrectly (since there's no example of how to write it in the instructions). Here's how it looked:


Launched the game up, and the same thing happened. Game crash, split second of video and audio, blah blah. After that unsuccessful attempt I checked the instructions again, and like the desperate guy I am I wondered why "FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true;" and "FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true;" had to be removed. I decided to add them back in PlayState.hx to see what would happen. Here's how it went:


So... yeah. Apart from that any other piece of information I can give is I'm doing this in Kade Engine 1.7 and I'm on Windows 10 64 bits. If this is an issue I'd also appreciate it if when fixed yall add an example of an if statement for "individual song cutscenes" in the instructions, so I'm 100% sure now that it's written correctly. Again if there's anything yall need, like the logs, I'll happily provide them.

polybiusproxy commented 3 years ago

@CryBitDev you might want to check this out

RedDoesStuff commented 3 years ago

Hmm, there are so many pieces of information you didn't give us in your bug report. So i am going to list them out here:

  1. What is the exact directory of these videos?

  2. Does the video play after a specific song or did you just make it for the end of any song?

  3. Are you running the game in debug mode? Since debug mode usually should tell the error before crashing.

  4. Is the name of the file 100% the same as in the code?

Behnja commented 3 years ago

@CryBitDev the directory of my videos is the videos folder from the assets folder. I didn't do no fancy file location change, I just put my cutscenes in assets/videos.

For the second thing, I don't really know what the code does, but from the looks of it, it makes it so the cutscene plays before a song plays. That's why instead of playing the second song of the week, the game tries to play the second cutscene. If you don't get what I'm trying to do, I want the second cutscene to play before the second song, and so on and so forth with the next songs.

As for debug mode, no, I don't usually use debug mode. I just ran with the video code without the 'if statement' and it gave me a couple things that I don't understand. I'll leave the log report at the end of this comment so you can have fun with it.

And for the last thing, yes. I said I went through this hundredths of times, I can assure you the problem isn't a typo.

Alright, here's the log:

PS C:\Users\benig\Desktop\fridaynightfunkinTHEFKNDEGENERATES\Kade-Engine-master> lime test windows -debug C:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/polymod/git/polymod/format/XMLMerge.hx:189: characters 10-23 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of haxe.xml.Access C:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/polymod/git/polymod/format/XMLMerge.hx:189: characters 30-43 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of haxe.xml.Access source/DiffOverview.hx:65: characters 3-39 : Warning : FlxCamera.defaultCameras is deprecated, use FlxG.cameras.setDefaultDrawTarget instead source/PlayState.hx:417: characters 3-39 : Warning : FlxCamera.defaultCameras is deprecated, use FlxG.cameras.setDefaultDrawTarget instead source/StagePositioningDebug.hx:101: characters 3-39 : Warning : FlxCamera.defaultCameras is deprecated, use FlxG.cameras.setDefaultDrawTarget instead

Compiling group: haxe cl.exe -Iinclude -IC:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/linc_luajit/git//linc/ -IC:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/discord_rpc/git/linc/ -I C:/Users/benig/Desktop/fridaynightfunkinTHEFKNDEGENERATES/Kade-Engine-master/source/vlc/cpp/include/ -I C:/Users/benig/Desktop/fridaynightfunkinTHEFKNDEGENERATES/Kade-Engine-master/source/vlc/cpp/src/ -nologo /WX- /fp:precise -DHX_WINDOWS -GR -Od(optim-std) -Zi(optim-std) -FdC:\Users\benig\Desktop\fridaynightfunkinTHEFKNDEGENERATES\Kade-Engine-master\export\debug\windows\obj\obj/msvc1964-debug-nc/vc.pdb(optim-std) -Zi(debug) -FdC:\Users\benig\Desktop\fridaynightfunkinTHEFKNDEGENERATES\Kade-Engine-master\export\debug\windows\obj\obj/msvc1964-debug-nc/vc.pdb(debug) -Od(debug) -O2(release) -bigobj -Os(optim-size) -FS -Oy- -c -EHs -GS- -IC:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/hxcpp/4,2,1/include -DHXCPP_DEBUG -DHXCPP_M64 -DHXCPP_VISIT_ALLOCS(haxe) -DHXCPP_GC_BIG_BLOCKS(gc) -DHX_SMART_STRINGS(haxe) -DHXCPP_API_LEVEL=400(haxe) -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_ALLOW_MSC_VER_MISMATCH -D_ALLOW_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL_MISMATCH -DHX_WIN_MAIN(main) -wd4996 ... tags=[haxe,static]

Ardub92 commented 3 years ago

I already made an issue on this, but it has been closed because it supposedly got fixed. I've updated my files, followed the instructions step by step, but still, this issue occurs. Trust me I've tried again and again, read the instructions so many times I've lost count, but still, I don't get the good results. So, I'm left with no other choice but to write this issue again. I added a ton of new information, so hope that helps.

Let me go over this again. I got a couple of cutscenes for my mod, so I followed the steps listed in README.md and coded them in. Alright, so everything should run ok now. I select my week, the first cutscene plays, I'm thrown into the first song, after it ends I watch the second cutscene and then play the second song, after the song ends the third cutscene pla- you get the point. And well, here's a video showing off what happened:


Now, I tried to fix this by removing the 'if statement' since I thought I probably wrote it incorrectly (since there's no example of how to write it in the instructions). Here's how it looked:


Launched the game up, and the same thing happened. Game crash, split second of video and audio, blah blah. After that unsuccessful attempt I checked the instructions again, and like the desperate guy I am I wondered why "FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true;" and "FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true;" had to be removed. I decided to add them back in PlayState.hx to see what would happen. Here's how it went:


So... yeah. Apart from that any other piece of information I can give is I'm doing this in Kade Engine 1.7 and I'm on Windows 10 64 bits. If this is an issue I'd also appreciate it if when fixed yall add an example of an if statement for "individual song cutscenes" in the instructions, so I'm 100% sure now that it's written correctly. Again if there's anything yall need, like the logs, I'll happily provide them.

This is a stupid solution to the problem, but I changed null to new PlayState (). There are problems with callback in the video player. Only works at the end or beginning of the week image