polyend / TrackerBetaTesting

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Boolean operators for fill selection awesomeness #1627

Open redsquares opened 1 year ago

redsquares commented 1 year ago

Any sort of boolean in step selection under FILL would be great. This would allow all sorts of crazy selections:


Notes AND Random 50% , would select 50% of the steps with notes on them Notes NOT FX , would select all notes with no FX on them Each 3 AND Random 25% , would select 25% of each 3 notes


This would be awesome!

What happens now is that if you select random it will fill steps with no notes on them, so its kind of awkward. You could just put a % in front of the current step selection, but this way it would allow a lost more interesting interactions, AND one could simply not use it, which would keep the same workflow, while adding a huge layer of possibilities.

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