polyforest / acornui-gradle

A bundle of Gradle plugins that helps build Acorn UI projects with ease.
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acornui js compilation sometimes reports kotlin.js being in acorn module jars #46

Open fuzzyweapon opened 5 years ago

fuzzyweapon commented 5 years ago
'C:\Users\Piggy\.m2\repository\com\polyforest\acornui-utils-js\0.0.1\acornui-utils-js-0.0.1.jar!lib/kotlin.js' and 'C:\Users\Piggy\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\org.jetbrains.kotlin\kotlin-stdlib-js\1.3.31\a431519778fdf43343a360ec346f5f322857943c\kotlin-stdlib-js-1.3.31.jar!kotlin.js'

This is pretty rare, but happens. We only ever use gradle via the IDE to build JS.

It will clear up after a clean.