polyforest / acornui-gradle

A bundle of Gradle plugins that helps build Acorn UI projects with ease.
Apache License 2.0
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Write simple script to help with gradle migration #9

Closed fuzzyweapon closed 5 years ago

fuzzyweapon commented 5 years ago

Throw away script. Totally unrelated to new project efforts or any other efforts.

Should simply be able to use sub-directory files as a template to paste into a designated directory.

Given the following:

template project example

target project example

A user should be able to run the script from target-project-root:

./migrate app-root=. app=app app-basic=module1,module2

This should result in the user being asked any questions necessary to fill in necessary information.

Then it should fill out the template files in a given template directory and place them in the target directory.