polyfy / polylith

A tool used to develop Polylith based architectures in Clojure.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Review and update Libraries doc (#391) #393

Closed tengstrand closed 8 months ago

tengstrand commented 8 months ago

issue #318

Generate libs, libs :compact, and libs with overriden dep from create_example.clj.

Add support to create-example to run a subset of tasks by a group id. Running all tasks can take several minutes, so it is handy to be able to, for example, run bb create-example realworld to only run the realword tasks. If no group ids are specified, all tasks are run.

Added more sections and a table of contents.

The word "dependencies" is overloaded because we call a brick a "dependency" but a 3rd-party library is also a "dependency". I tried to soften the confusion by adding a few words.

Re-organized content to start with something the reader can easily try out then dug progressively into details.

Edits for clarity.

Accidentally left in some old text in. Turf it.