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Reposting "Rustacean learning Go" #8

Closed Manishearth closed 9 years ago

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

I wrote this blog post a few weeks ago. It showcases what Go looks like to someone coming from a Rust background.

Would you like to host a copy of that post in Polyglot Weekly?

bcoe commented 9 years ago

@Manishearth would love to repost a copy of the article, it's a good read. Submit a pull request and we can start the editing process :+1: To get started you should be able to:

You'll want to be running a 0.10.x copy of Node.js. If you don't feel like going through the trouble of getting Node up and running, you can also use the sample article as a jumping off point, and create a new article manually:


Manishearth commented 9 years ago

Cool! I'll try my hand at a draft tomorrow then!