polygon-io / feature-requests

Feature requests for the Polgon.io Platform. Any bug reports should be opened in polygon-io/issues/issuess
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Adjusted Prices to Include Dividend Adjustment #23

Open ryantjo opened 3 years ago

ryantjo commented 3 years ago

It appears the adjusted prices only account for splits, for fully adjusted prices dividends should also be accounted for.

It would be useful to be able to request unadjusted, split-adjusted, split & dividend-adjusted prices

ianstormtaylor commented 3 years ago

Any update on whether this is planned? With the API only adjusting for splits and not dividends it's not very useful for comparing historical returns. Since Polygon has splits and dividends data elsewhere in the API I assumed that it adjusted for both.

jrbell19 commented 3 years ago

It is planned, however I do not have a concrete timeframe to expect the dividend adjustments. Any news on the progress of this will be will be posted here as well as our blog.

pav-user commented 3 years ago

The lack of properly adjusted prices makes technical analysis much more complicated. Any updates or an ETA for fully adjusted prices?

EDIT: More searching through the bugs shows that the dividend request is unreliable, so that cannot be used to try and adjust the prices programmatically.

jrbell19 commented 3 years ago

Yes, we are planning to adjust the data for dividends, however, we are still working to find a new quality vendor for the current dividend data itself.

I do not have any kind of timeframe to expect quite yet, but we are in talks with vendors to source this data, as well as pulling it out of the SEC / PRs ourselves. Apologies for the inconvenience. I wish I had a better answer for you at this time.

fingoldo commented 2 years ago

Also really wishing you would have this capability of dividends adjustment.

AustinColby commented 11 months ago

Any update on this? I'd love to pay for a Polygon subscription but your historical data is absolutely useless without this basic feature.

AHangstefer commented 6 months ago

Hello again! We currently don't have the option to adjust financial data for dividends on our end but that is still on our roadmap. No ETA yet.

Marck1234 commented 3 months ago

Given this has been in the pipeline for three years and still nothing, I believe it is safe to assume this is not going to get done and any further "this is planned" comments are meaningless. Please correct me if I am mistaken?

I have recently signed up to the monthly starter package on polygon but if the stock data is not adjusted for dividends, it renders it practically useless. I will have to cancel it and find another provider that does offer what I'm looking for.