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Grouped Daily (Bars): Bad data for multiple dates #138

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

URL The RESTful API call you are making (please be sure to omit your API key) https://api.polygon.io/v2/aggs/grouped/locale/us/market/stocks/2020-04-06?unadjusted=true&apiKey= https://api.polygon.io/v2/aggs/grouped/locale/us/market/stocks/2020-04-07?unadjusted=true&apiKey= https://api.polygon.io/v2/aggs/grouped/locale/us/market/stocks/2020-04-08?unadjusted=true&apiKey= https://api.polygon.io/v2/aggs/grouped/locale/us/market/stocks/2020-04-09?unadjusted=true&apiKey= https://api.polygon.io/v2/aggs/grouped/locale/us/market/stocks/2020-04-13?unadjusted=true&apiKey= https://api.polygon.io/v2/aggs/grouped/locale/us/market/stocks/2020-04-14?unadjusted=true&apiKey=

Above are all the API calls that seem to have bad data.



    | T                                    v             vw              o              c              h              l  …
---- + --------------------  ----------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------   
   0 | \x00HTLB^��\x16\x14�       9.1254e+08     9.04432e+11    9.04432e+11    9.04432e+11    9.04432e+11    9.04432e+11  …
   1 | \x00HTLD^���\x1D�          1.28079e+09    1.42863e+13    1.42863e+13    1.42863e+13    1.42863e+13    1.42863e+13  …
   2 | \x00HTLJ^��=\r�            2.16259e+09    1.3023e+13     1.3023e+13     1.3023e+13     1.3023e+13     1.3023e+13   …
   3 | \x00HTLK^��;\x02\x1F       1.06262e+09    4.59958e+12    4.59958e+12    4.59958e+12    4.59958e+12    4.59958e+12  …
   4 | \x00HTLK^��v,�             1.3669e+09     2.85331e+12    2.85331e+12    2.85331e+12    2.85331e+12    2.85331e+12  …
   5 | \x00HTLP^�|[\x1Fe          1.21315e+09    4.47827e+11    4.47827e+11    4.47827e+11    4.47827e+11    4.47827e+11  …
   6 | \x00HTLP^��\x16\x14�       8.08731e+08    1.70064e+13    1.70064e+13    1.70064e+13    1.70064e+13    1.70064e+13  …
   7 | \x00HTLT                2814            337.82         337.82         337.82         337.82         337.82         …
   8 | \x00HTLT^�u\x06\x1F�       1.34561e+09    9.66956e+12    9.66956e+12    9.66956e+12    9.66956e+12    9.66956e+12  …
   9 | \x00HTLT^���"�             1.39836e+09    1.22223e+13    1.22223e+13    1.22223e+13    1.22223e+13    1.22223e+13  …
  10 | \x00HTLY^��v,�             8.95569e+08    1.12024e+13    1.12024e+13    1.12024e+13    1.12024e+13    1.12024e+13  …
  11 | \x00HTLY^���\x12           1.75219e+09    1.70332e+13    1.70332e+13    1.70332e+13    1.70332e+13    1.70332e+13  …
  12 | \x00HTLZ^��\x16\x14�       1.41651e+09    5.60248e+12    5.60248e+12    5.60248e+12    5.60248e+12    5.60248e+12  …
  13 | A                          2.33824e+06   73.4872        72.97          74.36          74.99          72.245        …
  14 | AA                         1.00215e+07    6.5569         6.37           6.55           6.84           6.25         …
   … | …                                    …              …              …              …              …              …  …
8650 | ZXIET                   6000            100            100            100            100            100            …
8651 | ZXZZT                  20460             18.1357        17.91          22.91          22.91          17.91         …
8652 | ZYME                  195784             36.2526        34.81          36.17          37.4           34.1          …
8653 | ZYNE                  508404              3.4555         3.45           3.61           3.6592         3.32         …
8654 | ZYXI                  267343             10.9627        10.54          11.19          11.25          10.3          …

The first 12 rows for this example seem to be bad data.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

jrbell19 commented 3 years ago

Duplicate of issue #3

It is something that we are aware of. Now that we have the new tickers API near completion. We will be able to address this. Apologies for the confusion.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Thank you, looking forward to it.